Mar 18, 2025  
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Undergraduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Undergraduate Catalog

Texas Notices

Texas Notices

Location and Facilities Description

SEU at Anchor Church, 114 1/2 East Louisiana Avenue, McKinney, TX 75069.

SEU at Celebration, 601 Westinghouse Road, Georgetown, TX  78626.

SEU at Covenant Church, 5466 East Trinity Mills Road, Carrollton, TX 75006.

SEU at Hope Fellowship, 9950 Rolator Road, Frisco, TX  75035.

SEU at One Church, 4857 W I-30, Caddo Mills, TX 75135

SEU at Oaks Church, 777 South I-35 East, Red Oak, TX  75154

SEU at Cross Mountain Church, 24891 Boerne Stage Rd, San Antonio, TX 78255

SEU at Shoreline City Church, 10715 Garland Rd, Dallas, TX 75218

SEU at The Potter’s House North Dallas, 10501 E. Main St., Frisco, TX 75034

The main campus facilities description is provided in this catalog. Visit the General Information Link on the right sidebar.

Approval to Operate

Approved and Regulated by the Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges, Austin, Texas.

Mission, History and Accreditation

The mission statement, history and accreditation for Southeastern University is provided in this catalog. Visit the General Information Link on the right sidebar.

Programs and Costs

As part of its commitment to ministerial preparation, SEU offers the church-based extension site program at a reduced tuition rate. During the  2022-23 academic year, undergraduate tuition is charged at a rate of $339 per credit hour. Therefore, a full-time student would be charged $4,068 per semester for 12 hours (or $8,136 annually for 24 credit hours). Site fees, which average $1,260 per semester (or $2,520 annually) will be charged to the student, but this is subject to vary per site. As collected and on a predetermined schedule, this site fee is reimbursed to the site to cover various expenses. A $175 technology fee will also be charged each semester. Beyond the tuition and fees collected annually by the university, the extension site may charge additional fees for mission trips or other approved activities; however, these additional fees must be collected by the site. Other fees for textbooks, computers, travel and educational supplies are to be assumed by the student. 

Assuming a two-year plan, the total cost for the associate degree would be approximately $22,012. Assuming a four-year plan, the total cost for bachelor degrees is approximately $44,024

Tuition for students enrolled in graduate programs is charged at $495 per credit hour (MBA tuition rate is $525/credit hour). Hours required to complete programs range between 36 and 72 credit hours. Graduate students are charged a  $175 technology fee each semester.

Student’s Right to Cancel

Under the Texas Education Code, Section 132.061(f) a student who is obligated for the full tuition may request a grade of “incomplete” if the student withdraws for an appropriate reason unrelated to the student’s academic status. A student receiving a grade of incomplete is allowed to re-enroll in the program during the 12-month period following the date the student withdraws and complete those incomplete subjects without payment of additional tuition.

Library Holdings and Resources

The SEU library is well equipped to serve the needs of the programs offered at these extension sites. As of the end of the 2020-21 academic year, the library’s collections included 79,902 print books, 266,721 eBooks, 4,973 videos (DVD), 2,011 online videos, and 16,655 online recordings. In addition, the library subscribes through individual subscriptions and e-journal packages to 7,034 journals. Of these journals, 97% are e-journals. In terms of databases, both EBSCO and ProQuest are platforms on which multiple disciplines are covered. In addition, the library provides more than 100 databases, many with full text availability (over 27,303 e-journal titles).

Holdings and resources specific to programs to be offered at The Belonging Co for the Associate of Arts in General Education, the Associate and Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership and the Bachelor of Science in Business and Professional Leadership include the following:

                            General                   Ministerial           Business / Professional

Format                Education               Leadership           Leadership

eBooks                   111,965                     20,910              31,395

Print Books              53,522                     27,122                6,114

Subscriptions             1,262                          154                   583

 Academic Search Complete is a multidisciplinary database capable of supporting disciplinary courses in general education (Foundational Core). Other discipline specific databases for behavior and social sciences include SocIndex, PsyArticles, ScienceDirect’s Social Sciences and Psychology; databases for English and literature include MLA International Bibliography Full Text and Literature Resource Center; databases for music include Classical Music Library; and history includes U.S. History Collection. The Associate and Bachelor of Science include Atla, and the Business and Professional Leadership includes Business Source Complete, ABI/Inform, and ScienceDirect’s Business, Economics, and Decision Sciences.

Twelve dedicated and professional staff members (dean, five faculty librarians, four full­time staff, and two part­time staff) provide the library’s services. The five faculty librarians are reference librarians who are available to assist the students and faculty at a distance through telephone, email, video chat, video workshops, and/or consultations. Though all reference librarians are available to help distance students, one librarian (the Reference and Outreach Librarian) is specifically trained to work with distance students as a part of that position’s job description.

Faculty and students may access the resources at the library and/or through online searching of the catalog and the library’s databases. EZProxy makes this possible for faculty and students away from the campus.  The library uses the OCLC’s WorldShare Management Services (WMS) with WorldCat local serving as the library’s catalog (, and databases are easily searchable at this website. WMS also facilitates ILL where users can easily search the larger OCLC bibliographic database to locate additional sources.  Users may request books from the Steelman Library’s collection which are supplied by mail with postage paid return envelopes, and the library will scan and email periodical articles as requested in compliance with copyright guidelines.

Students receive guidance in the use of the library services and resources through the following means. At the request of the sites and through funding by the Extension Site Office, librarians have visited and are willing to make visits to sites to provide training.  Students have electronic access to LibGuides which bring together information about resources for various programs, some courses, and other more specialized topics.  A LibGuide ( is available especially for distance learners to introduce library services and to give them online library instruction (including instructional videos).  There is a LibGuide that identifies the library’s databases and includes a tutorial on how to use these databases (  The university’s LMS (MyFire) has a link to the library’s webpage on MyFire’s Welcome Page and in each course.  The library webpage ( provides links to the catalog, databases, and other LibGuides on a variety of topics including Citation Styles ( and Research Step­by­Step ( 

The library makes every effort to supply extension students with the same high ­quality service that on­campus users receive.  The library is open from 7 am – 12 am Monday through Thursday, 8:30 am – 8:30 pm on Friday, 12 pm – 8:30 pm on Saturday, and 1pm – 11 pm on Sunday.  Online students can generally reach a reference librarian during the day Monday through Friday, and an evening librarian is available until 11 pm Sunday through Thursday.  Weekend staff can usually help users but can forward requests to a reference librarian.  The Library Dean or another librarian frequently answer research questions on weekends.  A Research Request Form is available under the Services tab on the library webpage.  This is a 24/7 form that sends an email to a reference librarian who will respond no later than the next open library day.  Because of the university’s membership in the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC), chat reference is provided through Florida’s cooperative Ask a Librarian service.  Even students outside of Florida may use this service as long as they are coming from one of the library’s LibGuides or the library home page.

The library is not reliant upon any other library for resources relevant to the programs offered at these extension sites, and electronic databases provided by the library are not accessed through consortial or statewide groups.

Faculty and Staff Qualifications

  • SEU at Anchor Church: Jeff Jenkins, Site Director

  • SEU at Celebration:  Krista Clark, Site Director 

  • SEU at Covenant Church: Ashley Selby-Karney, Masters Education, Site Director

    • April Packer, MS Communication, Adjunct Faculty

    • Heather Graham, MA Counseling and Psychology, Adjunct Faculty 

  • SEU at Cross Mountain Church: Noah Wimberly, Site Director

  • SEU at Hope Fellowship: Melanie Schultz, MA Writing Popular Fiction, Site Director

    • Brock Jahnke, Master of Divinity, Adjunct Faculty 

  • SEU at One Church: Jimmy Tsai, Site Director

  • SEU at Oaks Church: Jared Parks, Site Director

  • SEU at Shoreline City Church: Ben Stokes, Site Director

  • SEU at The Potter’s House North Dallas: Travis Simons, Site Director

Currently, Southeastern University has not selected nor hired instructors to teach at the proposed Texas locations.

Faculty Qualifications

Faculty hired at all extension sites must hold, at minimum, a master’s degree or preferably, a terminal degree from a regionally accredited institution, with at least 18 graduate credit hours in the teaching discipline. (The primary exception relates to faculty candidates, who hold an earned master’s or terminal degree from an institution, accredited by the Association for Theological Schools [ATS].) This standard is in keeping with the policies set forth by the university’s regional accreditor, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS COC), and applicable programmatic accreditors, if any. Depending on the subject matter, academic colleges and departments may set forth professional experience expectations. This is not determined by the regional or programmatic accreditors.

On-site instructors may be hired to teach practical ministry, Bible, and theology courses in the Bachelor of Science in Ministerial Leadership program.

  • Examples of qualified graduate degrees for the ministerial leadership core include, but are not limited to, the following: Masters of Divinity (M.Div.), M.A. in Ministerial Leadership, Doctorate of Ministry (D.Min.), or a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field.

  • Examples of qualified graduate degrees for the biblical and theological studies core include, but are not limited to, the following: Masters of Divinity (M.Div.), M.A. in Theological/Religious/Biblical Studies, Doctorate of Theology (D.Th.), or a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the field.

The general education courses (e.g. mathematics, English, humanity, sciences, etc.) are taught online by a professor who is located at the Lakeland, FL campus. There may be some exceptions. In all cases, the instruction must possess a master’s or terminal degree from a regionally accredited institution, with at least 18 graduate credit hours in the teaching discipline. Example qualified degrees include, but are not limited to, the following: M.A. in English for all English composition courses, M.A./M.S. in Mathematics for liberal arts mathematics courses, and M.A. in Biology for the natural sciences courses. Faculty qualifications will vary between discipline; however, the minimum requirements remain intact.

In keeping with best practices and to maintain compliance with accreditation policies, SEU will not employ faculty who fail to meet these minimum qualifications.

School Calendar



Start Date

End Date

Fall, Session A



Fall, Session B



Spring, Session A



Spring, Session B



Educational Delivery Systems 

Southeastern University’s Instructional Design & Technology (ID&T) team provides services related to curriculum development and management, infrastructure development and management, faculty and student training, 24/7 technical support, and online best practices consulting. The university is an active participant in ensuring the effectiveness and quality of the programs and courses that are supported by ID&T. Management of this team is the responsibility of the division of Institutional Research and Effectiveness within the university. The Director of Instructional Design & Technology directly manages the services provided by ID&T with an emphasis given to policy creation/maintenance, policy compliance, and general oversight. The Director manages ID&T on a daily basis. Online delivery through the use of a master course philosophy allows Southeastern to maintain complete control of the curriculum and assessments for the courses.

School Holidays & Vacation Periods

The following holidays will be observed by all extension sites. Specifically, students are not required to attend face-to-face courses and/or practicum on the observed holidays. On the other hand, the online program continues through the holidays observed below unless they lie between semesters or session starts. Vacation periods are the time between each semester start.

  • New Year’s Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • President’s Day

  • Good Friday

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Break

Hours of Operation

Each extension site determines its own hours of operation for face to face contact with the students; contact information for each site is provided at the top of this page. Most of the classes are taken online and the hours are determined by each student as they work at their own pace within the determined parameters of the due dates for assignments and assessments. Hours of operation at Southeastern University School of Unrestricted Education are 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.

True and Correct Statement

The information contained in this catalog is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Shawn Stewart, Ph.D., Dean of Academic and Extension Operations