Mar 18, 2025  
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Undergraduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Policies: Syllabi



Grading Scale

Grade Letter

Grade Percentage


94 to 100%

A- (minus)

90% to 93%


87% to 89%


84% to 86%

B- (minus)

80% to 83%


77% to 79%


74% to 76%

C- (minus)

70% to 73%


67% to 69%


64% to 66%

D- (minus)

60% to 63%


0% to 59%


Mission Statement

Equipping students to discover and develop their divine design to serve Christ and the world through Spirit-empowered life, learning, and leadership.


Vision Statement

Southeastern University is anchored by Spirit-empowered education in a Christ- centered, student-focused learning community. Southeastern’s global impact is marked by a deep commitment to transforming minds and engaging culture through the integration of faith, learning and service. Each student’s divine design is nurtured and unleashed through the investment of faculty and staff, relationships within the community, the rigor of scholarship, diverse learning experiences and the discipline of spiritual formation, which propels students into a lifetime of serving the world in the Spirit of Christ.

In addition to our mission and vision statement, we hold fundamental truths about the Christian faith that include the following:

The Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. There is only one true God who is revealed in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).Jesus Christ, as God’s son, was both fully human and divine.

We are proud of our affiliation with the Assemblies of God and our Pentecostal tradition. We are also proud to be a welcoming community for students from all Christian backgrounds and denominations. Our campus includes many Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc., as well as nondenominational students. Everyone shares a strong commitment to knowing Christ and making Him known, and we celebrate our theological similarities while appreciating our differences. Refer to Human Sexuality for additional details related to What We Believe.


Title IX Statement

Southeastern University is committed to creating an environment for every student to thrive academically spiritually and socially. An aspect of creating this culture is providing avenues for students to discuss and report any activity that may compromise this commitment.


Under a federal law known as Title IX, “no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance” (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972).

While students should feel comfortable approaching faculty with issues they may be struggling with or concerns they may be having, students should know that all faculty and staff are required to report certain information about Sexual Misconduct and certain crimes to University administration, in order to help keep the University community safe, and to connect students to all of the resources and reporting options that are available.


For example, if you inform faculty or staff (in private or during class discussions) of an incident of Sexual Misconduct, that individual will keep the information as private as possible, but is required to bring it to the attention of the institution’s Title IX Office. If a student would like to talk to the Title IX office directly, they can do so by e-mail at, by phone at 863-667-5236, or in person at Pansler U210. For more information about Title IX reporting options at Southeastern, please go to: university/title-ix/.

If you are struggling with an issue that is traumatic, unusually stressful, or results in disruptive behavior, faculty and staff will likely inform the Care Team. If students would like to reach out directly to the Care Team for assistance, they can do so at the Campus Counseling Center (

wellness-services/campus-counseling-services/) located in Esperanza 303, by phone at 863-667-5205, or by e-mail at


Student Services

Student Conduct

The office of Student Conduct believes that every student has a journey. That journey is either taken alone or with others. When you enter the disciplinary process, we assess your individual situation and connect you with resources through our campus and outside community so that they too, may journey alongside of you.

P: (863)667-5486 E:

Safety & Security

Campus security officers are available at the office 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can obtain a parking permit, report suspicious behavior or request an escort across campus after dark. Questions about parking violations should be directed to this office.

P: (863)667-5190 E:


The Office of Student Success and Retention is committed to guiding and supporting students who may be navigating a variety of life transitions impacting their ability to continue their studies at Southeastern University.

P: (863)667-5668 E:


Academic and Auxiliary Services (ADA) offers a variety of support services to increase students’ academic success

P: (863)667-5286 E:


The goal of ACE is to help you succeed academically and to enrich your learning experience. ACE personally invites you to come receive encouragement and acquire the tools you need to maximize your ability as a student at Southeastern.

P: (863)667-5137 E:


Class Participation

Students are required to login regularly to the course. The instructor will monitor student activity and participation through MyFIRE. Students are also required to participate in all class activities such as discussion board posts and responses, chat, or conference sessions and group projects.


Official Email

You are expected to check your SEU webmail account daily during the course term. All written correspondence between instructor and student must be handled through the SEU email system.



Please, make it a habit to always check your MyFIRE account as messages; assignments, grades, and other important related materials may be posted. It is the student’s responsibility to check grades and notify your instructor

if you have questions.


Technical Difficulties

Southeastern University is committed to providing a reliable online course system to all users. However, in the event of any unexpected server outage or any unusual technical difficulty that prevents students from completing a time-sensitive activity or assessment, students should report any problems to the instructor and also contact SEU’s 24x7 Support Center via the various links provided on every homepage (available options: chat, email, phone). Be sure your computer system complies with all SEU Technical Requirements. These requirements are listed within MyFIRE and a Browser Checker is provided under the Need Help? drop-down to ensure the browser you are using is compatible with MyFIRE.


Technical Support

If you have questions or need assistance, you can reach out to our 24/7 Support Center at 1-888-889-6599 or click here to submit a support ticket via email.

Note: Email response is within 24 hours.


If immediate assistance is required, please contact support via phone/chat. To chat LIVE! with a Support Representative, click here.


Disability Statement

Southeastern University is committed to the provision of reasonable accommodations for all students with learning and/or physical disabilities, as defined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. This legislation guarantees educational rights for the physically and learning disabled.


Students with medical diagnoses that qualify them for accommodations must contact ADA services at (863) 667-5283, or e-mail Once medical documentation is provided and a confidential consultation is completed, the student will then be responsible to provide the director of academic and auxiliary services with a list of his or her current professors and their e-mails.

Contact with the Office of Academic and Auxiliary Services is mandatory for each new semester. For more information, visit the SEU students with disabilities page on our website.


Academic Honesty

Plagiarism is considered a serious academic offense at Southeastern. It undermines the educational process and, when done intentionally, violates the integrity of the community.

Plagiarism occurs when a writer uses someone else’s language, ideas, or other original material without acknowledging its source.*

Plagiarism includes unattributed use of any source, in any medium, published or unpublished.

Examples of plagiarism include:

  • Quoting or paraphrasing material without attributing it to its source

  • Copying segments from the work of others without giving proper credit

  • Submitting as original work written entirely by someone else

Widely known facts do not require citation and do not count as plagiarism so long as they are communicated in the writer’s own words. Ideas and observations original to the writer also do not require citation.

Work already submitted for a grade in another course may not be resubmitted unless the professor specifically states otherwise.

For more information, visit the SEU Plagiarism page on our website.


Course Evaluation

In order to help us to assess the effectiveness of our courses and instructors, please complete the course evaluation. If you receive a course evaluation for this course, you are required to complete it.


Official Withdrawal

To officially withdraw from this course please contact the registrar’s office.



General Rules of Netiquette:

  • Make your messages easier to read by making your paragraphs short and to the point.
  • Utilize humor in appropriate forms. Avoid hostile, abusive, libelous, or rude comments. No vulgar, sexist, racist, biased, or other objectionable language will be tolerated.
  • Reinforce others in the course (e.g., “Good presentation!” or “Thanks for the feedback.”). Valid criticism is acceptably expressed in the form of thoughtful alternatives. Do not insult or “flame” others.
  • Think twice and send once. The old carpenter adage to measure twice and cut once holds great value here. Once you send something not well-thought out you will find it difficult and time-consuming to recover. Think about what you want the group and the professor to think about you.
  • Use spell-check and grammar-check. The little errors commonly accepted in email or text-messaging with friends and family are distracting and inappropriate in a college discussion forum.
  • In an online discussion forum, debate is welcome, but be tactful in responding to others. Remember that there’s a person (or a whole class) at the receiving end of your post.
  • If you quote a previous post (by using the reply function for example), quote only enough to make your own point
  • If you want to get in touch with only one person in the class, send a message to that individual’s e-mail address, not to the entire discussion list.