1. A student who has accumulated more than one (1) grade below a C minus (including grades of WF) in the course sequence BIOL 1233, BIOL 1243, CHEM 1533 and CHEM 1633 at Southeastern University or elsewhere, whether repeated or not, will not be permitted to continue in that major.
2. A student who does not complete MATH 2144 Calculus I by the end of the Sophomore year (4th semester) with a grade of C minus or higher at Southeastern University or elsewhere, whether repeated or not, will not be permitted to continue in the major.
3. A student who has accumulated three (3) or more grades below C minus (including grades of WF) in any of the following Math courses (MATH 1414, MATH 2144, MATH 2244 or MATH 3223) or Chemistry courses (CHEM 1533, CHEM 1633, CHEM 2133 or CHEM 2143) taken for college credit at Southeastern University or elsewhere, whether repeated or not, will not be permitted to continue in the major.
*Courses count toward Foundational Core