Mar 19, 2025  
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Graduate Catalog

Extended Education Complaint Policies



Southeastern University has instituted the following procedures for student complaints and adheres to these procedures. All extended education students (regional/extension, evening, online, and graduate) are free to submit written complaints and appeals. Appeals and complaints are dealt with fairly and judiciously on a case-by-case basis. Students have the right of complaint and appeal in the following instances:

General Complaint Policy for Extended Education Students

Any general complaints and appeals, not outlined explicitly in the University’s Complaint & Appeal Policy, should be directed to the Dean of Academic & Extension Operations, including concerns related to academic coursework and faculty, technology, and other aspects of the student experience. Please direct all such concerns to

Out-of-state (i.e., non-Florida) distance education students who are not satisfied with the institution’s response should follow the steps outlined in the State-Specific Complaint Policies. Students enrolled in face-to-face courses at locations other than the main campus should refer to the state-specific complaint policies below. Out-of-state (i.e., non-Florida) distance education students must first follow the institution’s complaint procedure as outlined above. If the student is not satisfied with the response, the student may file a complaint with the Office of Articulation within the Florida Department of Education at 325 West Gaines Street, Room 701, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400, Phone: 850-245-0427, Fax: 850-245-9010 or The complaint should include the following:

  1. Name of Student (or Complainant)
  2. Complainant Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Name of Institution
  5. Location of the Institution (City)
  6. Dates of Attendance
  7. A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.

Students who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process may appeal non-instructional complaints to the FL-SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the FL-SARA Complaint Process page.

Transfer Credit Appeals

Transfer students have the right to appeal transfer credit decisions made by the Office of the Registrar. The student must write a letter of appeal accompanied by any additional documentation requested by the Office of the Registrar. The appeal will be reviewed by the appropriate department chair and Academic Dean for the School of Extended Education with additional documentation and the student will be notified of the decision rendered.

Course Appeals

A student who has an unresolved issue in a course is encouraged to appeal to the department chair of the discipline of the course or the Academic Dean for the School of Extended Education. If the student is unable to meet with the department chair or Academic Dean for the School of Extended Education, he/she may meet with the Executive Director for the School of Extended Education to receive assistance in bringing a resolution.

Advising/Registration/Degree Completion Appeals

A student who has an unresolved issue and has not received satisfactory answers from his/her assigned Academic Advisor related to degree completion, transfer of credit, advising questions or non-response, may appeal to the Director of Academic Advising or to the Registrar. An appointment will be set up promptly to consider the student’s unresolved issues, with the goal of successful degree completion. If the issue is still unresolved following the meeting with the Director of Academic Advising or the Registrar, the student may appeal to the Executive Director for the School of Extended Education at, for a resolution.

Academic Suspension Appeals

A student may appeal an academic suspension to the Academic Progress Committee if there are valid extenuating circumstances that contributed to the poor academic performance. The student must submit a written appeal with supporting documentation addressed to the Academic Progress Committee Chairperson in care of the Office of the Registrar within one week of notice of pending suspension. If the appeal is granted, the student will be allowed to continue enrollment without a period of suspension or will be readmitted after the student has completed a period of suspension. The student must agree to a set of conditions that must be met until the student has successfully raised the G.P.A. to the minimum of 2.0. If the student fails to meet one or more of the conditions, a dismissal notice will be issued.

Course Registration Appeals

Course drops after a semester drop/add deadline are not allowed without a written appeal from the student to the Office of the Registrar. The appeal must contain reasons that justify such an exception to the deadline. The outcome of a student appeal request will be based on the student’s financial aid awarded, the point in time during the semester, and other contributing factors. A class that has been attempted cannot be dropped without an approved written appeal.

Late Registration Appeals

Late registration after the deadline is permitted only by permission and requires a written appeal to the Office of the Registrar.

Grades and Quality Point Appeals

Students who wish to appeal a grade must do so within the immediate succeeding semester. Otherwise, the recorded grade is permanent and can be changed only by repeating the course. Grade appeals must be submitted in writing to the department chair or Academic Dean for the School of Extended Education.

Financial Complaints & Appeals

Financial problems, questions and issues regarding student accounts should be addressed to the Student Financial Services. Student complaints and appeals will be addressed promptly. Requests for problem resolution must be submitted in writing.

Student Disciplinary Appeals

The student must make all appeals in writing to the Student Development Office within 24 hours of receiving disciplinary notification. All decisions of the Student Development Office are final and there shall be no subsequent appeals.

State-Specific Complaint Policies

Listed below are additional complaint policies for the extended education programs categorized by state.


Students should first file their complaints at the institution where they are enrolled. If after following proper policy and procedures for appeals, the complaint has not been resolved, contact:

Private School Licensure Division
Alabama Community College System
P.O. Box 302130
Montgomery, AL 36104


In accordance with state law, the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education is responsible for investigating student complaints against Educational institutions licensed by this Board. Pursuant to Arizona Administrative Code Rule R4-39-403, the complaint procedure is stated as follows: If the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Post-Secondary Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details.  The State Board address is 1400 W. Washington, Room 260, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Phone: 602/542-5709 Website:  


A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling 1 (888) 370-7589 or by completing a complaint form, which can be obtained on the bureau’s Internet Web site, For more information go to the Bureau website.


Students should first file their complaints at the institution where they are enrolled. If after following proper policy and procedures for appeals, the complaint has not been resolved, then contact the Delaware Department of Education, Higher Education Office, the Townsend Building, 401 Federal Street, Suite 2, Dover, DE 19901-3639, telephone 302-735-4000.


To file a complaint against a nonpublic postsecondary institution in Florida, please write a letter or send an e-mail containing the following information:

  1. Name of Student (or Complainant)
  2. Complainant Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Name of Institution
  5. Location of the Institution (City)
  6. Dates of Attendance
  7. A full description of the problem and any other documentation that will support your claim such as enrollment agreements, correspondence, etc.
  8. The complaint process of the Commission involves contacting the institution to obtain their response to your complaint.  If you do not want the Commission to contact the institution you are attending, you must state so in your complaint; however, doing so will greatly hinder the Commission’s ability to assist you with your complaint.

Send Letter To:

Commission for Independent Education 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
Tallahassee, FL. 32399-0400

Or E-mail: 
Or Fax: 850-245-3238


Students can file complaints with the Hawaii Post-secondary Education Authorization Program after all other resources have been exhausted. For more information on how to file a complaint go to the state website.


Students who wish to file a complaint with the Illinois Board of Higher Education may go to the state website or Institutional Complaint Hotline: (217) 557-7359

Illinois Board of Higher Education
1 N. Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 333
Springfield, Illinois 62701-1377
Phone: (217) 782-2551
Fax: (217) 782-8548
TTY:  (888) 261-2881


To file a complaint against a Kentucky postsecondary institution, please write a letter to the address below or submit your complaint via and include the following information:

  • Name of student (or complainant)

  • Complainant address

  • Email address

  • Phone number

  • Name of institution

  • Location of the institution (city)

  • Dates of attendance

  • A full description of the problem, any relevant documentation that will support the complaint such as correspondence, and the desired outcome.

Mailing Address: Institutional Complaints Council on Postsecondary Education, 1024 Capital Center Drive, Suite 320, Frankfort, KY 40601.


The Louisiana Board of Regents will refer student complaints to the appropriate entity. Louisiana Board of Regents telephone (225) 342-4253. If the complaint pertains to potential violations of consumer protection, Board of Regents staff will direct the complainant to Consumer Protection Division, (800) 351-4889. If the complaint discerns discrimination, the Board of Regents will refer the complainant to Office for Civil Rights, Dallas office, U.S. DOE, (214) 661-9600 or


Students who wish to file a complaint with the Maryland Higher Education Commission may go to the state website.


For more information on how to file complaints with the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning go to the state website.


More information, including complaint forms, is available at the state website. Or contact: Commission on Postsecondary Education, 8778 S. Maryland Parkway, Suite 115, Las Vegas, NV 89123, (PH) 702-486-7330.


For information on how to file a complaint with the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, go to the state website.


To file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, go to the state website.

New Mexico

If a student is currently living in New Mexico and is enrolled in the extension site program, please be informed of the following complaint policies in addition to the Extension Site Complaint Policy:

State rule provides a requirement that students or other parties with complaints or grievances against an institution first seek to resolve their complaint or grievance directly with the institution in accordance with the institution’s complaint or grievance policy. A student or other party not satisfied with an institution’s resolution of a complaint may submit a complaint to the Department in writing on the link provided below.  A student must file a complaint with the department within three (3) years of his/her last date of enrollment.

Complaints to New Mexico Higher Education Department/PPSD: 2044 Galisteo St, Suite 4, Santa Fe, NM 87505-2100, 505-476-8442 or 505-476-8416, and the following link for forms: Complaints Form.

North Carolina

If you were unable to resolve a complaint through the institution’s grievance procedures, please review the Student Complaint Policy (PDF), print out and complete the Student Complaint Form (PDF) and submit the complaint to:

North Carolina Post-Secondary Education Complaints
c/o Student Complaints
University of North Carolina General Administration
910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688

For more information, you may call (919) 962-4550 or send an email.

To file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Division of the North Carolina Department of Justice, please visit the State Attorney General’s web page. North Carolina residents may call (877) 566-7226. If you live outside of North Carolina, please call (919) 716-6000.

If you choose to mail a complaint, please use the following address:

Consumer Protection
Attorney General’s Office
Mail Service Center 9001
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001

South Carolina

If a student is currently living in South Carolina and is enrolled in the online learning program, please be informed of the following complaint policies in addition to the Extension Site Complaint Policy: The South Carolina Commission on Higher Education responds to formal complaints against public, independent non-profit and proprietary institutions of higher education in South Carolina. The Commission cannot review complaints related to course grades, academic sanctions, or discipline/conduct mats unless the student can prove that the institution did not comply with its policies and procedures for appeal. For further information on how to submit a complaint to the Commission go to the state website.

Mail form to:

Student Complaint, Academic Affairs
SC Commission on Higher Education
1122 Lady Street, Suite 300
Columbia, SC 29201

or email to:


To file a complaint, follow the complaint procedures in the school’s catalog. If the issue is not resolved, contact either the Texas Workforce Commission’s Career School or the school’s accrediting agency. Unresolved grievances can be directed to Texas Workforce Commission Career Schools and Colleges, Room 226T, 101 East 15th Street, Austin, TX 78778, (512) 936-3100,  If the school is not accredited by a recognized accreditor but has degree-granting authority, send a written complaint to the Coordinating Board at Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, Academic Affairs and Research, P.O. Box 12788, Austin, TX 78711. For more information go to the state website.


If a student is currently living in Virginia and is enrolled in the extension site program, please be informed of the following complaint policies in addition to the Extension Site Complaint Policy: As a last resort, students may submit their complaint to the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Students will not be subject to unfair action or treatment by any school official as a result of filing a complaint. Please contact SCHEV at (804) 371-2285 if you have any questions about the student complaint procedure.

West Virginia

The West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education (Council) and West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Commission) are responsible for monitoring all written and signed student complaints against degree-granting institutions authorized to operate in West Virginia. Students must fill out, sign, and send a complaint form to Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, 1018 Kanawha Blvd. East, Suite 700, Charleston, WV 25301. For more information, download the PDF file found on the state webpage.