Admission policies for Southeastern University’s programs are outlined in the below Admission Policy Manual. The policy manual outlines the admission process, application and fees, transcript, test score and documentation requirements for each student population. Unique admission policies for online, regional and extension, and certificate programs are provided.
Mission Statement
Equipping students to discover and develop their divine design to serve Christ and the world through spirit-empowered life, learning and leadership.
Vision statement
Southeastern University is anchored by Spirit-empowered education in a Christ-centered, student-focused learning community. Southeastern’s global impact is marked by a deep commitment to transforming minds and engaging culture through the integration of faith, learning and service. Each student’s divine design is nurtured and unleashed through the investment of faculty and staff, relationships within the community, the rigor of scholarship,diverse learning experiences and the discipline of spiritual formation, which propels students into a lifetime of serving the world in the spirit of Christ.
In addition to our mission and vision statement, we hold fundamental truths about the Christian faith that include the following:
The scriptures are inspired by God and declare his design and plan for mankind.
There is only one true God who is revealed in three persons: father, son and holy spirit (commonly known as the trinity).
Jesus Christ, as God’s son, was both fully human and divine.
We are proud of our affiliation with the assemblies of God and our Pentecostal tradition. We are also proud to be a welcoming community for students from all Christian backgrounds and denominations. Our campus includes many Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, etc., as well as nondenominational students. Everyone shares a strong commitment to knowing Christ and making him known, and we celebrate our theological similarities while appreciating our differences.
Statement of Faith
Southeastern University subscribes to the 16 Statements of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God, which are as follows (condensed version):
- WE BELIEVE … The Scriptures are Inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.
- WE BELIEVE … There is only One True God–revealed in three persons…Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity).
- WE BELIEVE … In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God’s son Jesus was both human and divine.
- WE BELIEVE … though originally good, Man Willingly Fell to Sin –ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.
- WE BELIEVE … Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God Through ‘Salvation’ (trusting Christ, through faith and repentance, to be our personal Savior). [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the A/G]
- WE BELIEVE … and practice two ordinances—(1) Water Baptism by Immersion after repenting of one’s sins and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, and (2) Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation.
- WE BELIEVE … The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a Special Experience Following Salvation that empowers believers for witnessing and effective service, just as it did in New Testament times. [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the A/G]
- WE BELIEVE … The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is ‘Speaking in Tongues,’ as experienced on the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles.
- WE BELIEVE … Sanctification Initially Occurs at Salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is holy, but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christlike.
- WE BELIEVE … The Church has a Mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe ‘the Church’ is the Body of Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God’s offer of redemption (regardless of religious denomination) through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ.
- WE BELIEVE … A Divinely Called and Scripturally Ordained Leadership Ministry Serves the Church. The Bible teaches that each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to worship Him with other believers, and to build up or edify the body of believers–the Church and to meet human need with ministries of love and compassion.
- WE BELIEVE … Divine Healing of the Sick is a Privilege for Christians Today and is provided for in Christ’s atonement (His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins). [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the A/G]
- WE BELIEVE… in The Blessed Hope—When Jesus Raptures His Church Prior to His Return to Earth (the second coming). At this future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever. [1 of 4 cardinal doctrines of the A/G]
- WE BELIEVE … in The Millennial Reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins His benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 years. This millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel and the establishment of universal peace.
- WE BELIEVE … A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire.
- WE BELIEVE … and look forward to the perfect New Heavens and a New Earth that Christ is preparing for all people, of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth. ‘And so shall we forever be with the Lord!’
Life Statement
Southeastern is more than a university; it is a community that transforms students. Joining this Christ-centered community obligates each student to embrace a set of core values centered on scriptural and civilized behavior. The core values of the Southeastern community are: authentic spirituality, a Christ-centered world-view, character development for ethics in life, servant leadership, academic and professional excellence, and cultural sensitivity.
Community Covenant
Since members of this faith-based community have voluntarily chosen to be a participant, all students are obligated to a code of scriptural and community standards and behavior.
As a Christ-follower and member of the community of Southeastern University, I will:
- Practice the spiritual disciplines—regular reading of God’s Word, prayer, etc.
- Understand that regular attendance at church services is expected
- Uphold the community standards
- Pursue integrity and practice professional ethics
- Adhere to guidelines of dress code
- Respect the dignity of all persons and highly value the diversity of the body of Christ
- Respect the rights and property of others
- Discourage bigotry, slander, and gossip among the members of the community and will refuse to engage in such behavior
- Refrain from the possession, use or distribution of beverage alcohol (except for communion), marijuana, or other intoxicants either on or off university premises
- Refrain from the possession, use or distribution of tobacco products either on or off university premises
- Refrain from the possession, use or distribution of illegal substances and the abuse or illegal use of legal substances, including prescription and over-the-counter medications either on or off university premises
- Refrain from all sexually immoral behavior including: premarital sex; adultery; lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender behavior; and involvement with pornography in any form. (Biblical marriage consists only of a faithful, heterosexual union between one genetic male and one genetic female, and biblical marriage is the only legitimate and acceptable context for a sexual relationship)
- Resolve conflict according to the model in Matthew 18:15-20
- Honor the servant-leaders who watch over this community and cooperate with their leadership
- Demonstrate compassion for others and a passion for the lost as a representative of Christ
Human Sexuality Statement Biblical Foundations
Our understanding of human sexuality is derived from the following biblical principles:
God created humans as relational beings — the only part of creation that God explicitly designed to have community with Himself (Genesis 1:26). All other forms of community are designed to reflect this relationship between divinity and humanity (Hebrews 10:24–25, 1 Corinthians 12:14, Ephesians 5:25).
As a direct result of sin, the community between divinity and humanity was broken (Genesis 3:23–24). This brokenness has permeated into all other relationships (Genesis 4:15). Human sexuality is not exempt from the marring effects of separation from the Divine (Romans 1:21-23).
God’s intention for human sexuality is to occur between one genetic male and one genetic female within the covenant of marriage (Genesis 2:18, 21–24; Hebrews 13:4).
All forms of sexuality outside of God’s intention are a result of separation from God (1 Corinthians 6:13, 18–20) and are illegitimate moral options for the confessing Christian. In Scripture, several sexual behaviors are expressly forbidden, which include but are not limited to fornication, adultery, incest, unnatural sexual intercourse and homosexual acts (Exodus 20:14; Leviticus 18:7–23, 20:10–21; Matthew 5:27–28; Romans 1:20–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; Galatians; 5:19; Ephesians 4:17–19; Colossians 3:5)
Into this broken world, God sent himself in the form of His only begotten Son, Jesus the Christ (John 1:1–3, 14). Through His sacrifice, Jesus became the Way to restoration of the Divine/human community (John 3:16). Until one has restored his or her relationship with God through His Son, Jesus, all other relationships — including human sexuality — will remain broken (John 14:6–7).
Southeastern Human Sexuality
At Southeastern University, we affirm human sexuality as a gift from God, designed to serve as a mirror of one’s relationship with God. We believe that God’s intention for human sexuality is between one genetic male and one genetic female within the covenant of marriage (Genesis 2:18, 21–24; Hebrews 13:4).
In addition, Southeastern University supports the dignity of individual persons affirming their biological sex — understanding that any attempts to change one’s God-given sexuality through elective sex-reassignment or transvestite, transgender or nonbinary “genderqueer” acts or conduct is at odds with our biblical standards, denominational affiliation and subsequently our code of conduct.
Our Commitment
Therefore, we as a community commit to the following:
Because of our values surrounding modesty, sexual purity and safety, the university has had a single-sex housing and restroom policy for undergraduates since its inception, and we will continue to maintain this tradition.
In regard to athletics, we will continue to support our biblical understanding of affirming an individual’s biological sex as the basis for athletic competition.
As a university we will conduct our sexuality as a reflection of our relationship with God. Southeastern University pledges to guide the university community toward understanding and embracing its sexuality as a reflection of its relationship with God.
Seeing that sin is a common struggle for all, members of the SEU community are committed to treating one another with respect and Christ-like compassion (Philippians 2:3–5). Insults, slurs and other forms of derogatory speech have no place in a Christian community (James 3:9–12). Any deviation from a biblical standard of sexual behavior is a result of separation from God and therefore is an opportunity for repentance, grace and redemption so that as a community, we might honor one another and glorify God.
Misrepresentation Policy
Southeastern University strives to be an institution of high integrity and is committed to providing the most accurate information through all mediums to anyone associated with the University. Southeastern University will make every effort to not engage in misrepresentation of any form as defined by the U.S. Department Regulatory Citation: 34 CFR § 668.71 (c) which defines misrepresentation as any false, erroneous or misleading statement an eligible institution, one of its representatives, or any ineligible institution, organization, or person with whom the eligible institution has an agreement to provide educational programs, or to provide marketing, advertising, recruiting or admissions services makes directly or indirectly to a student, prospective student or any member of the public, or to an accrediting agency, to a State agency, or to the Secretary. A misleading statement includes any statement that has the likelihood or tendency to deceive. A statement is any communication made in writing, visually, orally, or through other means. Misrepresentation includes the dissemination of a student endorsement or testimonial that a student gives either under duress or because the institution required the student to make such an endorsement or testimonial to participate in a program.
Drug-Free School & Campus Policy
Southeastern University is committed to maintaining a Christ-centered and student-focused learning community that is free from alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs. In accordance with the University’s Community Covenant as well as the Code of Student Conduct and the Employee Handbook, the possession, use, distribution, or manufacture of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, illegal drugs, and other intoxicants by students or employees is prohibited both on and off campus. The University also prohibits abuse, misuse, and distribution of legal prescription medications.
The University’s position on alcohol, tobacco, and drugs is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.
SEU Network Admission Process
Admission Process
Southeastern considers many aspects of a student’s academic and personal background when deciding admission status. Factors include your Christian character, personal recommendations, GPA, and desire and willingness to learn. No applicant will be denied admission to Southeastern University on the basis of race, color, sex, or national or ethnic origin. Southeastern does not discriminate against individuals with physical or mental disabilities who are otherwise eligible for admission to the university.
Once Southeastern has received a prospective student’s completed application file, the assigned Admission Counselor will consider the application for admission.
Partner Site Admission Requirements
Consistent with Southeastern University’s commitment to making education rigorous and accessible, requirements for off-campus students seeking admission are succinct with that of online undergraduate requirements, that is, they must demonstrate academic achievement, aptitude, and Christian character. Additionally, test scores are requested but not required for entrance. In the event graduate degrees are offered then the same standard is held to as that of main campus graduate students.
The necessary requirements to be submitted as part of the application to a Southeastern University Partner Site include:
- Completed online application. The application for admission to any of off-campus instructional sites is found at the following link:
- Christian Character Reference
- Biographical Essay. The essay should be a minimum of 400 words, double spaced, 12 point font.
- Official High School Transcripts
- SAT/ACT Scores (requested, not required)
- Official College Transcripts (if applicable)
Initial High School Transcripts
An official transcript, received prior to high school graduation, can be accepted if received directly from the school. If a transcript is sent from the student opened, the transcript will be considered unofficial. Official transcripts will be required for an acceptance decision. Applicants can satisfy this requirement with one of the following documents:
The following is a list of documents accepted for high school transcript:
A high school transcript with a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is required for admission. If the GPA is in a format other than a weighted 4.0 scale, it will be converted into a 4.0 weighted GPA. Southeastern will only consider the GPA received on the transcript at the time of acceptance for scholarship and acceptance purposes.
The General Education Development Certificate (GED) or High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) is accepted in place of a high school transcript if it is complete.
A home school transcript is also accepted. See home school Transcript Requirements for more information.
Final High School Transcript
After the student graduates, the student’s high school must send a complete official sealed final high school transcript which includes grades from the student’s final semester, a final GPA, and a graduation date. Official transcripts sent prior to graduation are considered initial transcript and can be used for the acceptance process. A diploma will not be accepted to meet the transcript requirement for incoming freshman.
Final transcript must be sent in one of the following ways:
- Sent via postal mail directly to Southeastern University from the high school.
- Delivered in an envelope previously sealed by the school.
- Sent through a certified electronic system.
- The GED must be received directly from the testing center in order for this document to be considered final.
The final transcript is due to the Admission Office before classes begin.
Home School Transcript Requirements
Southeastern University prides itself in being an exceptional college choice for homeschooled students, and part of our commitment to serving homeschooling families comes through the admission process. Since many homeschoolers do not study under the umbrella of a local school district or homeschooling agency, Southeastern permits families to create a transcript of the student’s high school coursework. Transcripts should include all courses taken in grades nine through 12, as well as final grades. Although not required, prospective students may also want to submit a portfolio. A portfolio typically includes a brief description of the courses you have completed and sample copies of work, such as a research paper or project, that best reflect the student’s abilities. The academic recommendation should be completed by an individual who has observed the student’s academic and personal progress, such as a tutor, former teacher, or employer. Academic recommendations completed by a relative will not be accepted.
GED (General Educational Development Test).
The GED is accepted in place of a home school transcript. If the student’s current state of residence requires a GED, the home school student must take and submit the GED.
Suspicion of Falsified Transcripts
When a high school transcript is sent to the SEU Admission Office and appears to be falsified, a member of the Admission team will call said school to verify the institution and to verify the validity of the transcript. If the high school cannot verify the information or is unreachable, the state Department of Education will be contacted to verify the information.
Christian Character Reference
Applicants must submit a Christian Character Reference form as part of their application. This assessment should be completed by an individual who knows the prospective student well (six months minimum required) and can provide the Admission Counselor with a candid assessment of the student’s Christian maturity. References completed by a relative will not be accepted.
Southeastern University is not obligated, but may call this individual to obtain more information about the student. Phone contact with the individual may be attempted to follow up concerning academic or behavioral issues disclosed in the application process.
Required Essay
Southeastern University requires prospective students to submit a 1-2 page essay using the following prompt:
“Describe the beginning and present growth of your relationship with God and how you see yourself as a good match for Southeastern’s academic and spiritual environment.”
The Academic Year
Southeastern University operates its traditional campus-based programs on a fall and spring semester system with two summer sessions.
The fall and spring semesters are 16 weeks in length. Class sessions during the regular semesters are scheduled so that they equate to fifteen, 50-minute sessions per credit hour, although they may vary depending on the nature of the instruction and schedule. Hybrid classes, mixing online and individual study with face-to-face sessions, are also held, as well as some online delivery courses, structured for campus-based students. New, incoming students may only enter in the fall or spring semester.
The two summer sessions are intensive one-week and three-week sessions. Course delivery during summer sessions also varies, but they are designed to be comparable to the semester sessions. The academic calendar outlines the main events including the beginning and ending dates of each semester and summer sessions.
Incentive Compensation Prohibition
Southeastern University will not provide any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on success in securing enrollments or financial aid to any individual or entity engaged in recruiting or admission activities or in making decisions about awarding FSA program funds as specified by the Department of Education.
Reviewing Freshmen Applications
The Admission Office will review applications after all required documents are received and have been processed through Admission Data Office. The applicant’s file is prepared and accessible by the designated Admission Counselor, and/or the Director of Admission for review. Some applications are flagged for additional review by the Director of Admission. Once the decision has been made, the student will be notified of the decision in writing within two weeks.
Acceptance Process for Freshmen
The designated Admission Counselor will review prospective student applications following completion. The following is a list of specific information that the Admission Counselor is looking for in the application:
- Check student’s Immigration Status
- Church questions: they should show personal relationship with Christ and regular church attendance. If anything in the file indicates that the student does not have a personal relationship with Christ, follow up with student to get a more detailed response. File may need to be reviewed by the Director of Admission.
- Lifestyle questions should show abstinence from alcohol, tobacco or drug use. If there is use, follow up as necessary according to Southeastern University’s student handbook.
- If there are items of concern in the application, follow up with the applicant or the Christian character reference to get more information about the student.
- Christian Character Recommendation: Student must have a non-family member that has known the applicant longer than 6 months to complete the form provided by Southeastern University admission office.
- Biographical Essay: Biographical essay is 400 words minimum, typed, double-spaced using the following prompt: “Describing the beginning and present growth of your relationship with God and how you see yourself as a good match for SEU’s academic and spiritual environment”. If there are any causes for concerns within the essay, then the Admission Counselor will seek approval from the Director of Admission. The Director of Admission will communicate with the Director of Student Services..
- The student must check “yes” to abide by Southeastern University’s community life statement and covenant.
- Student needs a minimum GPA of 2.0.
Once a decision has been reached, the Admission Counselor will complete the following steps:
- Data Processors will change their stage in the Student Information System.
- Once the students stage has been updated, Admission Counselor will communicate acceptance decision to the student via email.
If a student does not meet the requirements for general admission or if there are any other concerns, provisional acceptance may be granted or the file may be sent to the Director of Admission for review.
Provisional Acceptance
Provisional Admission
Provisional admission is available for students who do not meet the Academic Admission standards listed above. If one or more of the requirements have not been met, provisional admission may be granted on a case-by-case basis as determined by the Director of Admission.
Academic or Disciplinary Dismissal, Suspension, Probation, Felony
If a student marks ‘yes’ on their application to having been dismissed, suspended, or placed on probation from college or high school for academic or disciplinary reasons, their Admission Counselor will communicate with the prospective student’s prior school to obtain additional information relevant to their admission file.
If a student marks ‘yes’ on their application to having been convicted of a felony, the prospective student will be required to submit a certified criminal background check in addition to their regular admission documents. Admission Counselor will provide the student with instructions on how to complete the background check. The applicant is responsible for all costs to complete the certified criminal background check. If a prospective student has been convicted in the past, the file will be reviewed by the Director of Admission.
Transfer Students
Definition of A Transfer Student
If a student has earned 12.0 or more college-level credits from another institution after their high school graduation, they are considered a transfer student. This does not include remedial courses. Students who have completed at least one year with an affiliate Master’s Commission, Youth with a Mission (YWAM), or Discipleship Training School (DTS) are not considered transfer students; they are considered freshmen. Though the university awards credit based on advanced standing for their experience, the content is not considered college-level. Students who have taken Post-Secondary Educational Option (PSEO) or other similar credits during high school (i.e. Advanced Placement (AP) exams, or College Level Exam Placement (CLEP) exams) are also considered freshmen.
Application Process
In addition to the freshman application process, transfer students are required to submit additional pieces to be considered for acceptance. Southeastern University reserves the right to deny an applying transfer student for any of the following situations:
- The student has poor academic standing at another college or university.
- The student has previously been dismissed from another college or university.
- The student has outstanding financial obligations to another college or university.
College Transcripts
Transfer students are required to submit all college transcript(s) as part of their admission application process before acceptance regardless of whether or not they want to transfer the credits. If the student is currently enrolled in classes, they must submit an unofficial copy of their transcript(s). If their college-level courses are complete, the student must submit an official copy sent from their institution. If the student attended more than one institution, an official transcript must be submitted from all institutions. The official high school transcript or scanned copy of the high school diploma will be required to verify high school completion if the applicant is transferring less than 60 college credit hours. The cumulative college GPA will be used to determine acceptance for transfer students who have earned 12 or more credits; at least a 2.0 GPA is needed to gain acceptance. A GPA of 1.99 or lower will be submitted to the Director of Admission for further review.
Graduation Requirement
In order to graduate from Southeastern University, 25% of the student’s credits must be earned as local, regular credit at SEU. This policy is maintained by the Registrar’s Office.
Transfer Credit Evaluation Process
Students should have their official high school transcript(s) sent to the Southeastern University Admission Office for review. The Admission Office will pass the original copy of the transcript to the Registrar’s Office and retain a copy for the student’s admission file. The Transcript Evaluator located in the Registrar’s Office will evaluate college transcript(s) and communicate the results to the student within 10 business days. Students who have questions regarding the degree audit can contact the Registrar’s Office and ask for the Transcript Evaluator.
Only transcripts sent directly from the originating institution to Southeastern University can be considered official. Initial transcripts may be sent for admission purposes and to receive an initial evaluation of transferable credits.
Course Transfer Guidelines
See Academic Policies.
CLEP, DANTES, AP, and IB Exams
Southeastern University accepts many CLEP, DANTES, AP, and IB exams for credit. These transcript/score reports must be sent to the Registrar for review. Exam transfer charts and equivalency requirements for general courses can be found in the Southeastern University’s Registrar’s Office. The transfer requirements are subject to change and are maintained by the
Registrar’s Office. Students who only complete CLEP, DANTES, AP, or IB exams are not considered transfer students. Students are only considered as transfer students if they complete 12 or more courses at a college after high school.
International Students
Who Is Considered International?
An international student is one who attends Southeastern on a non-immigrant F-1 visa. Students who have legal permanent residency (“green card”) status through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security or who are U.S. citizens by birth but have grown up overseas may be culturally and socially “international,” but for purposes of the application, enrollment and financial aid eligibility, they should follow all procedures for U.S. citizens.
The following information is specific to international students who are not a Permanent Resident or citizen of the United States and are seeking to earn a bachelor’s degree as a traditional, campus-based student at Southeastern. It does not necessarily apply to graduate students or students pursuing an online program from their home countries.
Foreign students currently living in the United States under a legal visa or who have Permanent Resident status are exempt from International Student policies.
If Southeastern University will be providing immigration documentation for a foreign student to take courses in the United States, they will be considered International Students.
*Missionary dependents are exempt from all international student policies, as their citizenship is from the United States.
Sending Mail and Forms
Students will not receive postal mail from Southeastern University until they have been admitted to the university. International students will be encouraged to use the SEU website, or Admission Counselor email to download and submit information and documents until postal mail can be sent.
Permanent Residents
Foreign students who have legal resident status in the United States are not considered International Students. These students are required to meet Southeastern University’s traditional admission standards. These students will not require a student visa, therefore, they are not required to provide verification of funds. They may be eligible for Financial Aid and should contact the Student Financial Services Office to see if they qualify.
If English is not the applicant’s first language, they may be required to submit English Certification (TOEFL) scores. The International Student Coordinator reserves the right to request that the applicant take the TOEFL before an acceptance decision will be made. This information may be used in determining acceptance.
Application Process
Southeastern University welcomes students from other countries who show promise of benefiting from educational opportunities in the United States. International students must complete the same admission process as other freshmen or transfer students. It is suggested that foreign students apply for admission to SEU at least six months before the semester they wish to enroll. International student applications will not be reviewed for acceptance at Southeastern University until all of the following documents are received:
Completion and submission of the following documents are required for admission to SEU:
- Complete the online application,
- Submit a biographical essay, 1 to 2 pages in length, typed and double-spaced, using the following prompt: Describe the beginning and present growth of your relationship with God and how you see yourself as a good match for Southeastern’s academic and spiritual environment.
- Christian Character Assessment form: This is a recommendation form that must be completed by a spiritual mentor such as a pastor, youth leader, Bible study teacher or another person who has guided you in your faith. Assessments completed by a relative will not be accepted.
- Official high school transcript or final completion document.
- Submit scanned copy of passport.
- Submit scanned copy of any U.S. Visa
- Submit SAT, ACT or TOEFL scores.
Exception: If the prospective student is from an English-speaking country, high school or university and has a “C” or higher in their English classes, then they will not be required to submit any of these tests)
Information regarding the TOEFL can be found at the TOEFL website, TEST OF ENGLISH AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE Educational Testing Service Princeton, NJ 18540 U.S.A.
Minimum accepted scores for the TOEFL.
- Paper-based test (PBT) 540–543
- Computer-based test (CBT) 207
- Internet-based test (IBT) 76
The IELTS test as a replacement for the TOEFL. The minimum accepted score is a 6.
If applicable, submit any college/university transcript(s). If any transcript(s) are from a foreign university, a “course-by-course” transcript evaluation as offered by, or www.ece.orgwill be required. This evaluation will indicate to Southeastern whether or not any prior college credits can transfer to Southeastern; the evaluation also allows the Admission Office to determine if you qualify for transfer academic scholarships.
Instructions After Acceptance
In addition to the traditional admission standards, Southeastern University requires all international students to deposit or provide documentation showing proof of sufficient funds to cover one semester’s room, board, tuition and fees. International students may have a financial sponsor who will agree to be responsible for all debts acquired by the student while in this country. These requirements must be met before a Certificate of Eligibility for Student Status (Form I-20) is issued by the university. This is the student’s invitation to attend University in the United States.
International students accepted to Southeastern will be eligible to receive an I-20 as an invitation to come to Southeastern University. This is the first step for a student to receive an F-1 student visa. The following steps must be completed prior to an I-20 being sent:
- The student must be accepted to Southeastern University
- The student must submit the following financial statements:
- Form F-1: All students interested in applying to Southeastern University must have the funds available to meet the cost of an educational program in the United States. The purpose of the Financial Statement Form F-1 is to verify that the international student has the financial resources available to meet the costs of tuition, fees, room, board, incidental expenses and the cost of round trip transportation from his/her native country.
- Verification of Personal Funds: Southeastern must have proof of funds on file in the form of an official bank statement (with a dollar figure in U.S. funds). If the student’s U.S. sponsor will be funding their education, we will need the sponsor’s proof of funds.
- Sponsor: If international students do not have proof of funds, they must have a financial sponsor. This individual must complete an Affidavit of Support Form, which will be sent by Southeastern to the individual offering support. Completion of this form verifies that the sponsor will be responsible for all college and living expenses accrued by the student while living in this country that he/she cannot meet personally.
- Deposit of Funds: All students attending Southeastern University on a student visa are required to have the equivalent to one semester’s tuition or 30% of the total yearly tuition cost deposited at Southeastern before immigration papers can be completed. As soon as this amount has been deposited, an I-20 form will be completed notifying the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the applicant’s transfer to Southeastern University.
Additional International Student Policies
International students must fulfill the following requirements to maintain student status:
To become eligible for transfer to Southeastern from another American college, approval must be obtained from the previous school attended and U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service. First year international students are not allowed to work off-campus. Jobs on-campus are available, but federal regulations state that students are not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week while school is in session.
Second year international students and beyond may also work on-campus or they may work off-campus through a program known as Curricular Practical Training, wherein a student would garner a job offer related to their respective major and then be allowed to work either part-time or full-time off-campus.
Financial Aid Policy
International students attending Southeastern University are eligible to receive institutional aid. However, students who are not United States citizens are not eligible for federal or state financial aid.
Creating an I-20
Southeastern is authorized to update student information and print an I-20 for a student with SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System). The International Student Coordinator will be the Designated School Officer (DSO) with access to SEVIS records. The DSO is responsible for inputting the student’s initial information into SEVIS and maintaining accurate records within SEVIS.
Once the student is added to SEVIS, the DSO will print two copies of the I-20. The DSO will sign both copies, one placed in the student’s file and the other sent to the student.
Registering for The I-901
It is the student’s responsibility to complete the following additional steps to receive their student visa:
- Fill out form I-901 online and pay $200 processing fee at
- Make an appointment with the U.S. Embassy for visa interview. (This step is not required for citizens of Canada or Bermuda. Instead, these students will take their I-20 and passport to a
Port of Entry.)
- Make plans to come to the U.S. through a Port of Entry (POE). Students may need to bring their passport, I-20 and proof of financial stability to the POE. The student’s I-94 will be issued at the POE which gives the student F-1 visa status.
Maintaining Student Visa Status
The I-20 will be signed initially by the International Student Coordinator before it is sent to the student. It is the student’s responsibility to have their I-20 signed by a DSO at Southeastern before they leave the country. Each time the I-20 is signed, the signature is only valid for one year from the date signed. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain the following requirements to keep their F-1 Student Visa Status:
- The student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester.
- The student must maintain a valid passport.
- The student must maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA per semester.
- The student must have their I-20 document signed by the International Student Coordinator each year.
Updates in SEVIS
Any change to the student’s status, program dates, major, work eligibility, etc. must be recorded in SEVIS. It is the responsibility of the International Student Coordinator to confirm registration for the student every semester. This includes returning International Students and students that have completed their program. Any record that has not been updated in SEVIS will change to “terminated” or “completed” status and may require additional updating by the International Student Coordinator. Terminated status creates an unnecessary flag on the student’s file which can hinder them when attempting to cross the border.
To access the SEVIS helpdesk, call 800-892-4829.
Extending A Student’s Program
If an international student requires additional time to complete their studies the student is responsible to notify the DSO. The DSO will make the needed changes in the SEVIS record, and a new I-20 will be printed and signed by the DSO for the student to be authorized to extend their program.
Authorization To Drop Below Full Course Load
An international student may request to be enrolled in less than 12 credit hours for one semester, if the student has less than 12 credits hours to complete in order to graduate. This update must be added in the student’s SEVIS record and a new I-20 must be printed and signed for the student by the DSO.
SEVIS Registration
International students must meet with the DSO at the beginning of each semester in order to register the student in SEVIS. The student must provide the DSO with their class schedule and current I-20 document during this meeting.
For international students transferring into the university, their I-20 must be reprinted as their status has changed. Returning student do not need to reprint the I-20, but they must update the document.
Intent to Transfer
An international student intending to transfer out of Southeastern University must inform the DSO of their intentions.
An international student intending to enroll in post graduate studies outside of Southeastern must also inform the DSO of their intent in order for their SEVIS record to be transferred. If an international student graduates from Southeastern University and does not inform the DSO of their intent to continue with post graduate studies at another institution within 60 days of graduation, their status will automatically change from “active” to “completed” in SEVIS. In such a case, the student will be responsible to request reinstatement through the school they are transferring to.
OPT and CPT Procedures
International students must notify the DSO if they intend to work. International students are subject to the following work guidelines:
Authorization to Work
- International students may only work on-campus.
- May work 20 hours or less per week.
- Can be full-time during official school breaks, including winter and summer breaks, as long as they register for the next semester.
- The student will need a Social Security Number to get a paycheck.
CPT (Curricular Practical Training)
- This is the student’s authorization to work off-campus.
- The position must be related to the student’s major.
- Can begin the process for CPT after completion of 2 semesters.
- The student must receive authorization on their I-20 before employment begins, however they need to have an employer before the International Student Advisor can adjust the student’s I-20 (the student should find a job and then request the change).
- The student cannot work more than 40 hours/week.
- If the student chooses to work full-time for 1 year, they will not be eligible for OPT.
- Approval is required in SEVIS.
OPT (Optional Practical Training) This is an optional authorization for the student to work in the United States after graduation. Length of authorization to work is limited to 12 months. Approval is required in SEVIS.
International students are legally invited to take courses at Southeastern for a specified period of time. Once the student has graduated, they will need to depart for their home country or take action in for one of the following ways (these options may not be available to students who terminate their program):
- Apply for optional practical training (OPT), or
- Request that their SEVIS record be transferred to another school.
Scholarship Awarding
Immediately following the acceptance of a student, the Admission Counselor will also review the student for institutional scholarships. This includes the Scholars, Honors, Merit, and Achievement scholarships for freshmen/transfer students. In Jenzabar, the awards will be documented in the awards tab and a letter will be added in the action tab.
New freshman and transfer students qualify for the listed scholarships. Re-applicants will be viewed as a transfer student while going through the admission/financial aid process.
Federal Financial Aid Programs
Graduate students who file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) may qualify for federal loan funding. Federal Direct Lending Programs for graduate program students include the Federal Direct Unsubsidized student loan as well as the Federal Graduate PLUS loan. Federal Graduate PLUS loans require an additional application and are credit-based, so approval is not guaranteed. Students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to determine eligibility annually. To complete the FAFSA, please visit
Florida Resident Financial Aid Programs
Florida Bright Futures Scholarships: Graduate students with remaining eligibility may qualify to use additional Bright Futures scholarship funding as a graduate level student. Bright Futures is awarded to Florida high school graduates who demonstrate high academic achievement as determined by the state of Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance.
Other Aid
Third-Party Scholarships:
The following sites are just a few potential places to begin applying for other kinds of scholarships and grants for which you might qualify:
Southeastern University does not have any partnerships or direct association with any of the organizations listed here. These are meant only to be a starting point for your outside scholarship search.
Third-Party Loans:
Alternative private loans another option to consider if needed. Private loans from a variety of lenders are designed to help cover costs not covered by federal and institutional financial aid. You should consider federal financial aid (FAFSA) before considering an alternative private loan. SEU partners with FastChoice to help provide a list of the private lenders our students have used the most as a historical lender list. This tool allows current students and prospective students to apply for a private alternative loan by comparing and using the information for application. We encourage all students to investigate federal loan options first before making a decision.
Other Admission Processes
Dual Enrollment
Program Overview
- Southeastern University offers dual enrollment credit through on campus, online, extension site, and home schooling course options.
- Prospective dual enrolled students must be at least 16 years old and have a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to enroll in dual enrollment courses.
· In applicable states, prospective dual enrollment student must qualify as an “Ability-to-Benefit” student (e.g.: CA).
- Any freshman- or sophomore-level courses (that do not require prerequisites) can be taken.
- Students can complete up to 14 credit hours per year.
Admission Requirements
- Submit the dual enrollment application.
- Submit a dual enrollment agreement form.
- Submit Ability-to-Benefit test scores.
Readmission of Former Students
Former students who have not been in attendance of Southeastern University within one year, or who withdrew during a semester for any reason, must submit a formal application for readmission, along with an updated Christian Character Reference.
Re-applicants must be in good standing and receive approval from the offices of Admission, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Business Office, to return.
Re-applicants who exited in good standing are eligible to apply at any time. Former students who were suspended or dismissed (academically or socially) may apply for readmission at the end of the period of suspension. The student must write a letter of appeal and submit this letter with the other required admission documents.
The Retention Committee must evaluate students applying for readmission after a suspension or dismissal. This committee has the authority to approve or reject the readmission of any former student. The applicant will receive notification of the Committee’s decision.
Former students who attended other institutions since leaving Southeastern must provide an official transcript from each institution attended. The regulations on the acceptance of transfer credit apply to any re-admitted student.
Non-Degree Seeking Students
A limited number of applicants are admitted as non-degree seeking students. These are individuals who wish to take academic courses but do not wish to pursue a degree program.
This may include the following:
- Dual enrolled students;
- Public or private school teachers seeking continuing education and additional certification;
- Individuals with the maturity and background to benefit from undergraduate class work, but not planning to pursue a degree;
- Audit Students.An applicant applying for admission as an audit student must submit a Non-Degree Seeking Student Application. No record of previous academic work is required. An audit student will earn no college credit, nor will academic work be graded. Enrollment will be subject to availability of space.
- Transient Students. A student enrolled at another institution may take a course(s) at Southeastern University and transfer the credit to the other institution. To be considered as a transient student, the applicant must apply for enrollment at Southeastern University and have written permission from the Registrar of the other institution.
If an applicant is interested in our Learning Series Program, they must fill out a Student Registration form here:
*NOTE: A student wanting to do the Learning Series Program must be at an extension that offers it.
Aero Program
- Students interested in pursuing the Southeastern University Aviation Program will first need to fill out an interest form here:
- Once submitted and received, the student will receive communication from their admission counselor to submit an approval form for the Aviation Program. The approval form can be filled out and submitted here: oDM/edit
- Once the approval form is received from the student, the student’s admission counselor will wait to hear from Dr. Joe Childs, the Director of the Aviation Program, on whether or not the student is approved for the program.
- If the student is approved, the student’s admission counselor will email the student with a link to submit an SEU application here:
- Once the student applies and their application is received, they will be required to submit the following documents in order to be considered for admission:
- Professional Reference Form
- Aviation Essay of at least 400 words (prompt: In at least 400 words, Describe your spiritual journey and how you see yourself as a good match for Southeastern University’s academic and spiritual environment, and why you wish to study aviation and become a professional pilot)
- Official High School Transcript with High School Graduation Date
- Official College Transcripts (if applicable)
- Once the admission department has received all of the required admission documents, the student’s admission counselor will review the student’s file for acceptance and send them a letter of acceptance via email.
- Before acceptance, the student’s admission counselor will consider the following:
- Student’s GPA on high school and/or college transcripts: GPA must be a 2.0 or higher. If a student’s GPA is below a 2.0, a letter of appeal may be requested from the student.
- Student’s community life statement answers on their application: Student must have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and agree to abide with Southeastern University’s community life Statement. If a student has been dismissed from a school for academic or disciplinary reasons, an appeal letter may be requested from the student. If a student has been convicted of a felony, the student will be required to submit a background check through Southeastern University’s partnership with Castle Branch. Instructions will be provided to the student from their admission counselor on how to submit the background check. The student will be required to pay for the background check.
- The length and material in the student’s essay.
- All of these items are subject to further review.
LKPD Program
This is an accelerated, online Criminal Justice degree program offered to Lakeland Law Enforcement/City of Lakeland employees. This program is offered at a discounted rate, allowing students to pursue their degree at only $189 per credit hour. In addition, students can automatically earn 24 credits for police academy training, and 21 credits for practical field experience (evaluated by the Registrar’s Office, and James Roberts).
- Law Enforcement/City of Lakeland Employees interested in the program must apply at
- Once applied, students are required to submit the following:
- Professional Reference
- Proof of Employment (Police Photo I.D., pay stub, letter from superior, etc.)
- High School Transcripts
- Any College Transcripts
- If College transcripts do not indicate Police Academy Training, students must request that a Verification Letter be sent to our offices by their overseer. This will enable students to earn 24 credits towards their degree.
Graduate Level Admission Requirements (Online)
Consistent with Southeastern University’s commitment to rigorous, challenging graduate programs, students seeking admission to the Graduate Program must demonstrate academic achievement, aptitude, and Christian character. Graduate programs at Southeastern University have general admission requirements as well as specific expectations concerning entrance examinations or licensure requirements for each program.Admission decisions are made by graduate program coordinators and directors.
Master of Arts in Human Services
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- A writing sample
- Three references: Academic, Professional, Personal reference form
- Background check
Master of Arts International Community Development
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- Completed a prerequisite course in accounting
- A writing sample
- Three references: Academic, Professional, Personal reference form
- Background check
Master of Arts in Ministerial Leadership
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- A writing sample
- Two academic or professional references
- Christian Character assessment
Master of Arts in Theological Studies
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- (If lower than 3.0, the GPA for the last 60 credits will be calculated, and the applicant may be considered for provisional standing.)
- Submit one academic or professional reference
- Submit one Christian Character Assessment
- Submit a writing sample of at least five pages that is indicative of your writing and research ability to interact with scholarly sources in a critical manner.
Master of Arts in Family Ministry
- A bachelor’s degree with a 3.0 GPA or higher from a regionally accredited college or university (official transcript received)
- One academic or professional reference
- A Christian character assessment
- An academic writing sample of five pages or more
Master of Arts in Leadership
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- Two letters of recommendation, including one from an academic or professional reference and one from a personal character reference
- Typically, you don’t have to take the GRE/GMAT exams. Request more info or chat with an enrollment counselor for details.
Master of Business Administration
Students are accepted into the MBA program based on evidence of their aptitude and motivation for graduate business education at Southeastern University, as well as their understanding of basic business functions. Below are the minimum basic requirements; however, admission acceptance is considered given the applicant’s entire application package:
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or above.
- A sample writing assignment addressing the prompt: Why I want to pursue an MBA at Southeastern University. The essay should address how the MBA will help the student in his or her career and how he or she can integrate Christian faith into his or her profession as a manager. The paper should include the student’s full name and be 300-600 words.
- Two recommendations: An academic or a professional, and a personal/character, submitted by those providing references.
- Fulfillment of foundational knowledge requirements (see the Foundational Courses and Competencies, below). A determination of any prerequisite requirements will be made at the time of the admission decision.
Foundational Courses and Competencies for the Online MBA
(9 credit hours – waived with appropriate undergraduate preparation)
- In order to ensure student success, three foundational courses are required for students without an undergraduate degree in a business-related field. Students are also expected to be competent in Microsoft Excel prior to beginning MBA course work (Microsoft Excel Basic Certification or equivalent is the recommended minimum).
When these courses are required, admission to the online MBA program may be made on a provisional basis until the courses are completed with a B- grade or higher and prior to enrolling in BUSI 5003, the first MBA level course in the program.
- BUSI 2203 – Microeconomics
- BUSI 1013 – Introduction to Accounting and Finance, or BUSI 2233 – Principles of Managerial Accounting
- MATH 2023 – Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Note: BUSI 5003 is a prerequisite for all other courses in each track and must be completed with a B- or greater before continuing beyond the first eight weeks. Students may be approved by the MBA Director to take other courses concurrently with BUSI 5003 in their first eight-week session.
Master of Divinity
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- (If lower than 3.0, the GPA for the last 60 credits will be calculated, and the applicant may be considered for provisional standing.)
- One academic or professional recommendation
- One Christian character recommendation
- A writing sample of at least five pages that is indicative of writing and research ability to interact with scholarly sources in a critical manner.
Master of Education in Elementary Education
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one professional and one personal
Master of Education in Educational Leadership
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required) or official GRE score of 300
- Have a current resume showing three years of teaching experience, along with their two most recent teacher performance evaluations
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one personal and one professional, which must come from your principal or assistant principal
Master of Education in Exceptional Student Education
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one professional and one personal
Master of Education in Exceptional Student Educational Therapy
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one professional and one personal
Certificate in Dyslexia Education
- Official transcripts for a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university
Master of Education in Literacy Education
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of
3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one professional and one personal
Master of Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher (official transcript required)
- An essay on the topic: “Why I want to pursue my master’s degree at Southeastern University”
- Two references: one professional and one personal
Doctor of Education Admission Requirements
- A regionally accredited graduate degree with at least a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale
- A minimum of three full-time years of successful experience in a related field
- For non-native English speakers, a current TOEFL score at the mean level or higher
- Current professional vita
- A two- to three-page Christian faith statement
- A professional writing sample (minimum five pages): e.g., articles, graduate research papers/assignments, published work, etc.
- Two professional references
- Background check consent form
- Consent to comply form
Failure to meet one of these standards may not immediately disqualify a candidate depending upon the strength of the other components. For example, an applicant with a 3.5 GPA but only two years of experience may still be considered by the graduate admission committee. Other requirements are detailed on the application. Applicants are considered on a case-by-case basis, and the decision of the committee is final.
Undergraduate Online Admission
Consistent with Southeastern University’s commitment to making education rigorous and accessible, adult learners seeking admission to online undergraduate programs must demonstrate academic achievement, aptitude, and Christian character. Additionally, test scores are requested but not required for entrance. This holds to common practice in peer institutions.
Associate/Bachelor’s-Level Admission Requirements
RN to BSN Additional Requirements
- Official College transcripts from all institutions attended
- Graduate of an NLN-accredited nursing program
- Current, unencumbered RN license in the state of Florida
- Two professional references (one from current supervisor or leader)
- Biographical essay
- Current BLS card from the American Heart Association with AED
- Proof of required immunizations
- Professional liability insurance
- Successful criminal background check and negative drug screen (completed within 90 days of application)
Certificate Admission Policy
SEU’s certificate program(s) are open enrollment. Students are registered for class concurrent to fulfilling the respective certificate admission requirements.
Certificate in Organizational Leadership
- Completed online application
- Payment in full
- Official High School Transcripts
- Official College Transcripts (if applicable)
Students Seeking a Second Bachelor’s Degree
Any student with an earned bachelor’s degree from any school including Southeastern University may apply for a second bachelor’s degree. The transferring degree is evaluated on a course-by-course basis, according to the credit transfer policies described in the credit transfer policies section of this catalog. The student may have the unofficial transcript evaluated by submitting it to the Admission Counselor prior to admission. The student must complete all degree program requirements that have not been met by transfer or other acceptable credit granting means as described in the credit transfer policies of this catalog. The student must take a minimum of 25% of the program requirements in pursuit of the second degree at Southeastern.
These students are generally admitted at the senior level, when the transferred credit was earned from a regionally accredited institution.
Staff Application Process
Campus staff members are eligible to take courses at Southeastern University if they meet the requirements listed in the Staff Manual.
If an SEU staff member wants to take a class, the Admission Counselor will direct them to apply according to their status. If they have attended previously, they fill out a reapplication form. If they have not attended Southeastern University previously, they apply as a freshman or transfer student.
In order to receive the Staff Discount, the staff member must contact the Human Resources Department to request the proper documentation.
Staff Dependents
Dependents of campus staff are eligible to take courses at Southeastern University if they meet all admission requirements and complete the standard admission process in addition to filing their staff dependent form with Human Resources. Admission will handle the file as an incoming student. The Director/Associate Director of Admission reserves the right to make decisions on these files.
Audit Students
Audit students are student who wants to take a class but not receive any credit or grade for it. The class costs are listed below:
Audit Fee (per credit hour)
- Under 55 years of age: $441.70
- 55 years of age and older: $20