Mar 18, 2025  
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Graduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Southeastern University- Graduate Catalog

Financial Aid





Registration and Payment Options

Payment Responsibilities and Requirements

Students who register for classes at Southeastern University assume responsibility for tuition and fees generated from that registration, including any room, meals, and miscellaneous charges, as applicable. Failure to make satisfactory financial arrangements can result in the delay of graduation, denial of registration privileges, removal from classes, withholding of transcripts, and/or referral to a collection agency. Any unauthorized balance not covered by financial aid is due and payable in full 30 days prior to the first day of class.

If a student decides not to attend the course(s) for which you are registered, it is the student’s responsibility to drop the course(s) by the published add/drop date (date varies by semester) to avoid any financial liability.

Students are also responsible for past due balances on their accounts. The account balance must be paid in full before registering for a future semester. 

Students may not owe a refund on any federal grant or federal loan, nor be in default on any loan or have made satisfactory arrangements to repay any defaulted loan. Students must not have borrowed in excess of the Title IV loan limits at any institution. Students agree that they will use any money received under a Title IV loan, grant, or work-study program only for expenses related to their education. Students must understand that the amount of any repayment is based on regulations published by the U.S. Department of Education.

Students whose accounts are referred to a collection agency will be liable for all reasonable collection costs, including attorney fees and other charges necessary for collection of this debt. By registering for classes, students acknowledge receipt of this information and their acceptance of the associated responsibilities.

Payment Plans

Payment Plans

In a continuing effort to assist the families of our students, Southeastern University has partnered with Nelnet’s Campus Commerce to administer the Southeastern University payment plan as an alternative to standard payment arrangements. Families have the option to pay university-billed expenses in regular monthly payments. Parents and/or students determine how much of the expenses they wish to pay in equal monthly payments. Nelnet’s payment plan system can also aid in budget planning.

The Southeastern University payment plan provides the benefits of a monthly payment plan without finance charges. The only cost is the enrollment fee to cover administrative expenses.  Plans are available on a per semester basis.

Several Payment Plans for Your Convenience

Five-Month Plan—Fall Term

This plan is budgeted in five (5) equal monthly payments for the fall semester. The first monthly payment, plus the enrollment fee, is due by June 29th. Payments are due on the first day of each month thereafter.

Four-Month Plan—Fall Term

This plan is budgeted in four (4) equal monthly payments for the fall semester. The first monthly payment, plus the enrollment fee, is due by July 28th. Payments are due on the first day of each month thereafter.

Five-Month Plan—Spring Term

This plan is budgeted in five (5) equal monthly payments for the spring semester. The first monthly payment, plus the enrollment fee, is due by November 29th. Payments are due on the first day of each month thereafter.

Four-Month Plan—Spring Term

This plan is budgeted in four (4) equal monthly payments for the spring semester. The first monthly payment, plus the enrollment fee, is due by December 28th. Payments are due on the first day of each month thereafter.

Summer Term

Payment plans are not available during the Summer term. 

How to Enroll

Southeastern’s affordable, no interest monthly payment plans are available to all students and families, regardless of need or financial standing. There is no approval process, and the only cost required is a nominal enrollment fee. Payments must be made in U.S. dollars.

To enroll in a plan each semester, visit or through MyPortal under the Payment Plan link. Questions concerning the Southeastern University Payment Plan should be directed Student Financial Services at or to our 3rd-party payment plan provider, Nelnet, at 1-800-609-8056.

Direct Payments

Direct one-time payments can be made through Nelnet Campus Commerce. Students can access their payment portal through MyPortal (formerly JICS) by clicking on the tab for “Student Finances” and navigating to the link, Nelnet Student Financial Information. 


Students may access their account information online. Parents may access the student’s account information online with permission from the student granted via the parent portal. Students are responsible for reviewing the account online on a regular basis (monthly review is encouraged).

How to Review Account Balances

1. Go to Southeastern website:

2. At the top of the homepage, choose Login.

3. You will be prompted to log in. Enter your username and password to log in.

4. Choose the MyPortal (formerly JICS) - Student Info Portal

5. A new tab will open. Click on the Student Finances tab.

6. Click on Nelnet Student Financial Information.

  • Nelnet Campus Commerce is a 3rd-party system SEU has partnered with to deliver real-time account integration, direct payment, and payment plans all in one place. 

  • The Campus Commerce home page has the Total Balance as well as options for reviewing transaction details, making payments, or setting up payment plans.

Finance Charges

A 1.25% finance charge is added monthly (15% annually) to any unpaid balance more than 30 days old unless the student is enrolled in an approved university payment plan.

Payment Requirements for Special Programs

Students enrolled in Directed Study courses or special study programs, not a part of the regular semester, are required to make payment in full by the first day of classes. Internships are charged an internship fee and hourly tuition. 

Summer School

Summer school students are required to pay for summer school charges by the first day of classes. 

Food Services

Students living on campus are required to choose a meal plan. If no choice is made, the 10-meal plan will be selected for you. Meal plans are not transferable, usable beyond limits indicated, or refundable for meals not used.

Refund Policy

Southeastern University is committed to providing excellent teaching and learning experiences, through face-to-face, hybrid and remote instruction. As the university has invested in instructional design of courses, their delivery and associated materials, in the event that any of the following occurrences causes or requires Southeastern  University to suspend classes, move to online or remote education, close down the University campus, close on or off campus housing, or otherwise not operate the University in its normal and customary manner, the University shall not be required to provide students any refunds or credits for tuition and fees, meal plans, housing, insurance, or any other fees and costs paid to or owed to the University.  

Any refunds or credits, if any, paid by or determined to be paid by the University to students, shall be deemed voluntary and not mandatory, and students shall not have any right to, claim to, or legal cause of action for any refunds or credits:

1.        Federal, State of Florida, Polk County, or City of Lakeland governmental orders, ordinances or decrees;

2.        Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods, fires, explosions, or other Acts of God or natural disasters of any kind;

3.        Interruption of utility service or services not temporary in nature;

4.        Pandemics, epidemics, or other significant outbreaks of disease;

5.        Riots or insurrections;

6.        Acts of terrorism;

7.        Protests; or

8.        Any other situation or unforeseen event, not specifically enumerated, which requires the University to take the actions set forth above. 

 In compliance with Nevada State Legislation (NRS 394.449), any refunds for students at the Las Vegas, Nevada Extension Site will be paid to the to the person or entity who paid the tuition or fees within 15 calendar days after the (a) date of cancellation by a student of his or her enrollment; (b) date of termination by the institution of the enrollment of a student; (c) last day of an authorized leave of absence if a student fails to return after the period of authorized absence; (d) last day of attendance of a student; or (e) whichever is applicable.

Please refer to the section on Tuition, Fees and Financial Aid for more information, or address specific questions to Student Financial Services.

Refunds of Room, Meal Plans, and Fees

Room: Rooms are reserved for each student for an entire semester. After add/drop, no refund of room charges is made except in cases of withdrawal from the university, severe illness, or incapacity. 

Meal Plans: Following the add/drop period, cancellation of a meal plan can only be made if a meal plan exemption has been approved for dietary restrictions, or if a student withdraws from the university. The meal plan will be refunded on a prorated weekly basis.

Fees: Course material, general, technology, and student fees are not refundable after the add/drop period for classes lasting sixteen weeks or more. For courses lasting eight weeks or less, course material, general, technology, and student fees are not refundable after calendar day 3 of the course (applicable to Session A courses. See Session B information for limitations on Session B drops). 

Internship fees are not refundable after the first week of the internship.

Fees are non-refundable after the first week of classes. In some cases, state refund requirements may supersede institutional policy.

 University Withdrawals and Refunds of Tuition

When a student submits a written notice of withdrawal to the Admission Office or the Office of the Registrar prior to the first day of classes, a full refund (100%) of institutional charges is made. If a student withdraws from the university on or before the add/drop deadline, as defined in the academic calendar annually, tuition will be refunded according to the schedule below:

Sixteen Week Classes

A course dropped the week the class begins in a 16-week semester will receive a 100% refund. During each consecutive week, the refund is reduced by 25% each week. After the third full week of classes, no refund is granted. Example:

  • Until the expiration of the add/drop period (the add/drop period typically occurs within the first week of a semester): 100% of tuition and fees

  • After add/drop period, the student refund is reduced by 25% of tuition for each week thereafter.

  • After the add/drop through the 2nd full week of class - 75% of tuition

  • After the 2nd full week of class up to the third full week of class - 50% of tuition

  • After 3rd full week of class and up to the fourth full week of class - 25% of tuition

  • After the 4th full week of class: No refund

Classes lasting 8 weeks or less

Session A courses:

A course dropped up to or on the first day and for the succeeding two (2) calendar days thereafter will receive a 100% refund. After the third calendar day, the refund is reduced by 25% based on the schedule below:

  • Upon commencement of the class (Day 1) and for the succeeding two (2) calendar days thereafter, the student will qualify for a 100% refund of tuition and fees.

  • Calendar days 4-6: 75% of tuition

  • Calendar days 7-9: 50% of tuition

  • Calendar days 10-13: 25% of tuition

  • After Calendar Day 13 of classes: No refund

Session B courses:

Students who begin the semester with Session B courses (who were not enrolled in Session A) may have their courses dropped up to or on the first day and for the succeeding two (2) calendar days thereafter to receive a 100% refund. After the third calendar day, no refund is given.

Credit Balances and Refunds

Disbursement of financial aid occurs according to federal regulations. If a credit balance results once federal financial aid is applied to a student’s account, the surplus will be refunded to the student within 14 days of the aid posting date reflected on the student account. The student may elect to have refund disbursements automatically deposited into a checking/savings account. Students who do not enroll in automatic deposit will have their refund mailed to them in the form of a check to the legal home permanent address on file or their university mailbox.

If the credit balance is caused by a Parent PLUS Loan, the refund will be issued either to the parent or the student according to the parent’s preference as selected on the PLUS application.

Collections Policy 

Unresolved balances after the last day of attendance are considered delinquent and will be sent to the SEU Collections Office. The Collections Office will reach out to students in an attempt to assist with resolving unpaid balances. Students have the option to make one-time payments or set up payment plans in order to resolve the issue. If rectification has not been reached, the account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.

Return of Federal (Title IV) Funds

The law (34 CFR 668.22) specifies how Southeastern must determine the amount of Federal Student Aid (FSA) that a student has earned when withdrawing from school. The FSA programs covered by this law are: Federal Pell Grants, Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), and, in some cases, certain student state grant aid. 

In order for aid to be included in a Return of Title IV funds calculation a student must be fully eligible to receive these federal funds prior to their withdrawal.  Funds considered as aid that could have been disbursed and, consequently, included in the Return to Title IV calculation must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • The Student Aid Report (or ISIR) must have been processed with an official EFC by the date of withdrawal,

  • The student must have been making Satisfactory Academic Progress,

  • For any Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, or PLUS Loan, the loan must have been originated by the date of withdrawal. 

A student is considered to have withdrawn from a payment period or period of enrollment if the student does not complete all the days in the payment period or period of enrollment that the student was scheduled to complete.

Withdrawal from the University refers to a student’s failure to complete the period of enrollment for which he or she was enrolled. There are two types of withdrawals: 

  • Official Withdrawal

An official withdrawal occurs when the student notifies the Retention Specialist of the intent to withdraw and completes the withdrawal process/form through the appropriate departments on campus.  If known, the student’s last date of attendance (LDA) is recorded on their withdrawal form and a Return of Title IV funds calculation is completed by the SFS office.

  • Unofficial Withdrawal

An unofficial withdrawal occurs when the university discovers that the student has ceased to be enrolled (i.e., is no longer attending classes) and the student did not initiate/complete the withdrawal process.

There are 2 types of unofficial withdrawals:

  1. A student has not notified the school of their withdrawal and has ceased attending all of their courses. 

  2. A student has not earned at least one passing grade in their classes for a period of enrollment (has received either all Fs, all Ws, or a combination of Fs and Ws.)

For unofficial withdrawals, the withdrawal date for the Return to Title IV calculation will be the midpoint of the payment period or period of enrollment OR the last date of documented academic-related activity, if known. 

Since SEU may not know that a student has unofficially withdrawn until the end of the semester, funds are returned within 30 days after the end of the earlier of the end of the payment period or period of enrollment or the date that SEU has determined the student has withdrawn. 

The amount of financial assistance that a withdrawing student earns is calculated using a Return to Title IV formula.

In the event of a withdrawal (official or unofficial),  SEU must calculate the number of days attended and total number of days that a student was scheduled to complete within the term, including weekends but excluding any scheduled breaks of five days in length or greater. Days attended are divided by the days in the term the student was scheduled to complete, providing a percentage of the payment period the student has completed. The percentage is multiplied by total aid for which the student is eligible to determine the amount of aid that has been earned. 

Days attended / Days in the term scheduled to complete (minus scheduled breaks of 5 days or more) = percentage completed. 

Percentage completed x total aid eligible = earned aid

SEU must return the amount of unearned aid, up to the maximum amount received, to each of the Title IV programs in the following order: 

  • Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan

  • Federal Subsidized Direct Loan

  • Federal Direct PLUS Loan

  • Federal Pell Grant

  • Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

Once the student has completed more than 60% of the payment period, all federal financial assistance is considered to be earned.

SEU calculates the amount for which the student is responsible by subtracting the amount returned by SEU from the total amount which is unearned. The remaining amount is the student’s share and is allocated in the same order as above. 

Total amount unearned

  • amount returned by school

 = $ amount the student is required to return to Title IV. 

If the student did not receive all of the funds that s/he earned, the student may be due a post-withdrawal disbursement. If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Southeastern University must obtain the student’s permission within 30 days of the date of determination of withdrawal in order for the funds to be disbursed.  A student may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that they do not incur additional debt. Southeastern University may automatically use all or a portion of a student’s post-withdrawal disbursement of Title IV funds for tuition, and housing and meal plan charges (as contracted with the University). The University needs the student’s permission to use the post-withdrawal Title IV disbursement for all other school charges. If the student does not give permission, the funds will be offered directly to the student; however, it may be in the student’s best interest to allow the school to keep the funds to reduce debt at the school.

A post-withdrawal disbursement to the student’s account for charges incurred must be disbursed as soon as possible but no later than 45 days after the date the school determines the student’s withdrawal date. A post-withdrawal disbursement made directly to the student must be disbursed as soon as possible, but no later than 45 days for grants and 45 days for loan funds.

Students who are expelled or who take unapproved leaves of absences are considered to have withdrawn from the University.  Furthermore, SEU reserves the right to request a student’s withdrawal.


New regulations in 2020 established withdrawal exemption criteria which, if met, allow a student who has withdrawn or otherwise ceased attendance to NOT be considered withdrawn for Title IV purposes. This means that no Return to Title IV (R2T4) calculation is required for a particular student who meets one of the following exemptions: . 


  1. Withdrawal exemption for graduates/completers

    1. A student who completes all requirements for graduation from their program before completing the days in the period that he/she was scheduled to complete is not considered to have withdrawn.

    2. This exemption applies to all types of programs, whether with or without sessions/modules. 

  2. Withdrawal exemption for programs offered in modules

    1. If a student successfully completes one module that includes 49% or more of the total number of days in the payment period (excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules), the student is not considered to have withdrawn. 

    2. If a student successfully completes a combination of modules that, when combined, contain 49% or more of the number of days in the payment period (excluding scheduled breaks of five or more consecutive days and all days between modules), the student is not considered to have withdrawn. 

    3. If a student successfully completes coursework equal to or greater than the coursework required for the institution’s definition of a half-time student, the student is not considered to have withdrawn. 


The withdrawal exemptions apply to both undergraduate and graduate students as long as the student and program meet the underlying exemption criteria. A student only needs to meet one of the withdrawal exemptions to be exempt from (R2T4).

Financial Aid

Student financial assistance at Southeastern University is provided to eligible students in the form of grants, scholarships, loans and student employment. To apply for financial aid, students must submit an application for admission to Southeastern University and complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Detailed procedures are available online at seu.ed./financial or can be obtained by contacting the University’s Student Financial Services Office.

The location of the university in central Florida provides students with many opportunities for part-time employment. The returns from such work, together with savings from summer employment and financial aid, enable many Southeastern students to work their way through college.

Southeastern University recommends that a prospective student contact his/her high school guidance counselor for information about ways to finance an education. Information regarding scholarships for Florida residents may be found at:

Statement of Educational Purpose/Certification Statement of Refunds and Default

Students may not owe a refund on any federal grant or federal loan, nor be in default on any loan or have made satisfactory arrangements to repay any defaulted loan. Students must not have borrowed in excess of the Title IV loan limits at any institution. Students agree that they will use any money they receive under a Title IV loan, grant, or work-study program only for expenses related to their study at Southeastern University. Students are responsible for repaying any funds they receive which cannot reasonably be attributed to meeting education expenses related to Southeastern University. Students must understand that the amount of any repayment is based on regulations published by the U.S. Department of Education.

Federal Financial Aid Programs

Federal Pell Grant

Federal Pell Grants usually are awarded only to undergraduate students who display exceptional financial need (as determined by the FAFSA) and have not earned a bachelor’s, graduate, or professional degree. (In some cases, however, a student enrolled in a post baccalaureate teacher certification program might receive a Federal Pell Grant.) Students are not eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant if they are incarcerated in a federal or state penal institution or are subject to an involuntary civil commitment upon completion of a period of incarceration for a forcible or non forcible sexual offense.

A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid, except under certain circumstances. 

All students applying for a Federal Pell Grant (and all other federal financial aid) must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students may apply for FAFSA on the Web ( Students will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) Information Acknowledgment in the mail about two weeks after submitting the online FAFSA (students providing an email address will receive an email with a link to their Student Aid Record - SAR - in no more than five days.)

Based on the information in the SAR and a complete financial aid file, the Office of Student Financial Services will calculate the amount of Pell Grant (and other financial aid) to be awarded to the student. This information is communicated by Student Financial Services to the student via the emailed Award Offer. 

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

A Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a federally funded grant provided to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Federal Pell Grant recipients and allocated to the lowest EFC students first. The amount of the grant depends on the amount of verified need (as determined by the FAFSA) and on the availability of federal funds provided to the institution annually.

Federal Work-Study Program

Federal Work-Study (FWS) is need-based financial aid that allows students to work on campus or with an approved off-campus employer and earn money to help to pay for educational expenses while they are enrolled. Compensation is minimum wage or higher, and the amount of FWS a student can earn depends on financial need (as determined by the FAFSA), on the amount of other aid received, and on the availability of federal funds provided to the University. Some examples of FWS jobs at Southeastern University included: library assistant, game operations, teacher’s assistant, academic tutor, and customer service representative. 

FWS is not a grant, because a student must work to earn it, and it is not a loan because it does not require repayment.  

Federal Direct Student Loans

Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans

  • Criteria: Must file FAFSA and complete additional loan requirements. (entrance counseling and Master Promissory Note)

  • Repayment: Loan repayment can be deferred until six months after student graduates or drops below half-time enrollment.

  • Origination fees are deducted by the loan servicer from each loan prior to disbursement.

Federal Direct SUBSIDIZED Loans – For undergraduate students with financial need. The U.S. Department of Education generally pays the interest while a student is in school at least half time and during certain other periods. Interest rate varies from year to year but is fixed for the life of the loan. Interest does not begin accruing until a student  graduates or drops below half-time attendance.

Federal Direct UNSUBSIDIZED Loans – For undergraduate and graduate or professional students; non-need based. Interest begins accruing as soon as the loan is disbursed, and the borrower is responsible for all interest. Interest rate varies from year to year but is fixed for the life of the loan.

Maximum Total Award Amounts per Year (Based on Eligibility)

Annual Limits for Undergraduate, Dependent Students:

  • Freshman (1-29 credit hours): up to $5,500 (maximum $3,500 in subsidized loans)

  • Sophomore (30-59 credit hours): up to $6,500 (maximum $4,500 in subsidized loans)

  • Junior/Senior (60+ credit hours): up to $7,500 (maximum $5,500 in subsidized loans)

Annual Limits for Undergraduate, Independent Students:

  • Freshmen (1-29 credit hours): up to $9,500 (maximum $3,500 in subsidized loans)

  • Sophomore (30-59 credit hours): up to $10,500 (maximum $4,500 in subsidized loans)

  • Junior/Senior (60+ credit hours): up to $12,500 (maximum $5,500 in subsidized loans)

Annual Limit for Graduate/Professional Students: $20,500 (unsubsidized only)


Subsidized and Unsubsidized Aggregate (lifetime) Loan Limits

  • Undergraduate, Dependent Students: $31,000 (maximum $23,000 may be in subsidized loans)

  • Undergraduate, Independent Students: $57,500 (maximum $23,000 may be in subsidized loans)

  • Graduate/Professional Students: $138,500 (maximum $65,500 may be in subsidized loans). The graduate/professional aggregate limit includes all federal loans received for undergraduate study. 

Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student (PLUS)

Federal PLUS loans are for parents who want to borrow to help pay for their dependent student’s educational expenses. These loans enable parents with good credit histories to borrow for each dependent child who is enrolled at least half-time. An origination fee is deducted by the lender from each loan prior to disbursement.

Interest rates are fixed for the life of the loan and are determined annually for new loans. Repayment begins immediately after disbursement of funds but can be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time. Parents have 10-25 years to repay depending on the repayment plan chosen.

Students must complete a FAFSA in order to determine the amount of the parent’s eligibility for a Federal PLUS loan. The FAFSA can be completed at  To apply for a Parent PLUS loan, parents should visit

Financial Aid Programs for Florida Residents

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program provides scholarship awards to high-achieving students. Each recipient must be a Florida resident, enrolled for at least six (6) hours in an eligible Florida public or independent postsecondary educational institution, and meet all requirements of the scholarship program. Initial eligibility is determined by the Florida Office of Student Financial Assistance. Visit for additional information.

Florida Student Assistance Grant

The Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) provides aid to students who demonstrate financial need as evidenced by the federal system of needs analysis. In addition to demonstrating need, a student must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident; a Florida resident for reasons other than education for no less than one year preceding the beginning of the academic year for which application is made; and, enrolled or accepted for enrollment, as a full-time undergraduate student. A FAFSA must be processed by the U.S. Department of Education by April 15th.

Contact the Office of Student Financial Services or a high school guidance counselor for information.

Florida Effective Access to Student Education (EASE) Grant

The Florida Effective Access to Student Education Grant (EASE) provides tuition assistance at eligible independent non-profit Florida colleges and universities for Florida residents. The maximum award amount is specified in the General Appropriations Act. Actual award amounts depend on the level of funding and number of eligible students. Applicants must be Florida residents, enrolled full-time in a first bachelor’s degree program and making satisfactory academic progress. For information or application, contact the Office of Student Financial Services.

Southeastern Academic Scholarship Programs

Institutional scholarships, such as academic or departmental scholarships, are awarded to full time, traditional, undergraduate, main campus students.  Please contact the Admission Office for information regarding Academic Scholarships offered annually.  Academic scholarships are awarded based on the GPA and/or test scores upon admission to the university and are renewable up to 8 consecutive, full time semesters with an overall GPA of a 2.0.  For more information, visit the website. 

Other Resources

National Assemblies of God Scholarships

These scholarships are awarded by the General Council of the Assemblies of God.

Third-Party Scholarships

Some third-party scholarship information is available on the Student Financial Services webpage ( Students are encouraged to seek out additional outside scholarship options on their own.  

Alternative Loan Options

Southeastern has partnered with FastChoice to provide a comprehensive listing of reputable Private Loan Lending companies. FastChoice makes it easy by providing students with information about private loans in an easy-to-understand format, to help a student determine which private student loan best meets their needs. We encourage all student to consider federal student loan options before making a decision. More information on third-party loan options can be found on the Student Financial Services webpage.

Veterans Benefits

Southeastern University is approved by the State Approving Agency of the State of Florida and California for the education and training of veterans and eligible dependents under public laws in effect. Students who are eligible for educational benefits under any Veterans Administration program should first apply for a Certificate of Eligibility on and provide a copy of the form to the Student Financial Services Office.  All information, instructions, and procedures are provided on the website. Students using tuition assistance should first check with their Education Service Officer (ESO) within their military unit for approval. 

Students must complete a VA Invoicing Request each year for Southeastern University to provide enrollment certification to the Veterans Administration. Students must be enrolled for 12 or more semester hours to be eligible for full-time benefits. Educational Benefits are paid based on the enrollment dates of each session or semester. For example: Eight Week courses are paid at the start of each term. These semester hours do vary and differ for our non-traditional student population. ​A student cannot receive educational benefits for audit courses. 

Enrollment certification is completed after the drop/add period of each term or semester, whichever is applicable to a student’s delivery.  The student is responsible for notifying the certifying official at Southeastern University of any enrollment changes such as withdrawal and/or dropped courses or termination of enrollment. The VA student is responsible for any overpayment of benefits resulting from a change in enrollment. The VA toll-free number is 1-888-GIBILL1 (888-442-4551).

VA regulations require that students take courses that are applicable to their degree program, make satisfactory progress toward their degree, and maintain satisfactory attendance for the degree program as stated in the Standard of Progress. Students using VA educational benefits are required to submit all transcripts from prior higher ed institutions for evaluation of course credit. Veterans’ benefits will be terminated for students who fail to make satisfactory progress or receive dismissal for academic or disciplinary reasons.

Southeastern University also participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program.

Three Easy Steps to receiving VA benefits at Southeastern University:

1.        Apply for benefits on the US Department of Veteran Affairs website.

2.        Submit a copy of the Certificate of Eligibility to the VA Certifying Official in the Student Financial Services Office via email or fax (863-667-5961) .

3.        Our Certifying Official will certify enrollment hours and tuition to the VA website following the drop/add period for each semester the student is enrolled.

How does a student’s financial aid interact with the Post 9/11 GI Bill®?

In general, only Title IV Federal Aid (Pell, SEOG, Direct loans, and PLUS loans) will not be affected by VA benefits in any way. In most cases, the student will be refunded Pell grant and/or student loans, or they will be applied toward other expenses like room and board, if applicable. 

Other financial aid designated will be applied to a student’s total cost of attendance. The student should not expect any refund of SEU scholarships/grants or any other financial aid source, with the exception of Title IV Federal Aid.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Southeastern University VA Representative(s):

  • Natalie Wolfe, VA Certifying Official/Associate Director of SFS (

  • Joshua Breed, VA Certifying Official/Associate Director of SFS (

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

Requirements & Eligibility for Financial Aid (Undergraduate)

Students receiving federal financial aid (including Direct Student Loans, Parent PLUS loans, and federal work study) must maintain good academic standing with the University in order to continue eligibility for financial aid awards. To be eligible for financial aid, students must meet certain academic progress requirements as evaluated at the end of each academic year (ending the spring semester). Those requirements include: (1) credit completion ratio, (2) grade point average, and (3) maximum time frame. This policy applies to all undergraduate students enrolled in all programs. The periods included in the review include all terms in which the student was/is enrolled, even those during which the student did not receive federal student aid.


1. Credit completion

Students must successfully complete (earn) at least 67 percent (67%) of the credits they attempt in order to maintain satisfactory academic progress.

At the end of the academic year, academic progress will be determined by comparing the number of credits attempted (including any course in which a student was enrolled past the drop/add period) to those actually earned. Note: Transfer credits from another institution are included in both attempted and earned credits.


2. Grade point average (GPA)

Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum overall cumulative 3.0 grade point average (GPA). Your cumulative grade point average (GPA) will be reviewed by the Student Financial Services office at the end of the academic year (the end of the spring semester).

Treatment of Grades:



Quantitative (completion) Treatment

Qualitative (GPA) Treatment

A, B, C, D

Attempted & earned



Attempted & unearned


*I (Incomplete)

Attempted & unearned

Not calculated


Attempted & unearned

Not calculated

Repeat coursework – A, B, C, D

Attempted & earned

Highest grade calculated

Repeat coursework – F

Attempted & unearned 



Attempted and earned

Not calculated


Not attempted or earned

Not calculated


Pass – Attempted and earned

Fail – Attempted and unearned

Not calculated


Grades included in grade forgiveness are not excluded from the Satisfactory Academic Progress calculations. 

*Incomplete (I) grades will be considered in the qualitative (GPA) analysis when completed according to the provisions in the University catalog. When an incomplete grade changes to another grade notation, that change will be picked up in the next SAP review.  

 3. Maximum timeframe

Students are eligible to receive federal financial aid for a maximum of 150 percent (150%) of the published degree credits required to complete their program. For example, if an undergraduate degree program requires 120 degree credits, a student is eligible for aid up to 180 attempted credits. Students will not be eligible to receive federal student aid once they have exceeded the maximum timeframe (total attempted credits) of 150 percent of the published degree credits required to complete their program.

Loss of Financial Aid Eligibility

A student will lose financial aid eligibility if he or she does not attain any one or more of the required components at the time of review at the end of the spring semester (annually):

  • Minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA)

  • Minimum 67% overall credit completion ratio

  • Maximum timeframe of 150% or less of the published degree credits required to complete your program.

Financial aid includes all Federal and State scholarships and grants, VA Benefits, Federal Work Study, and loans, including Graduate PLUS or Parent PLUS loans. Failure to meet any/all SAP requirements will deem the student ineligible for these programs.

Private loan programs and outside financial assistance that do not require a stipulation of meeting satisfactory academic progress are exceptions, and students may maintain eligibility for these types of programs dependent upon the lender’s criteria.

A student may attend the university, at his or her own expense, until the student is meeting all of the required components of satisfactory academic progress and again regains federal student aid eligibility.

Regaining Financial Aid Eligibility

To regain financial aid eligibility the student’s transcript/record must reflect satisfactory academic progress requirements have been met.  A student may regain eligibility in one of the following ways:

  • Meet satisfactory academic progress requirements: Attend the university or transfer in credits from another institution at his/her own expense until the student is meeting all of the required components of this policy.

  • Approved appeal: If a student failed to meet these standards due to unusual circumstances, he/she may submit an appeal by contacting the Office of Student Financial Services as outlined in the e-mail notification the student will receive providing an alert to the loss of eligibility due to not meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements. See section titled “Right to Financial Aid Appeal.”

  • Grade change appeal:  SAP is reviewed annually at the end of the spring semester.  The SAP determination is based on the final grades provided at that time.  If there is a grade change that occurs after that review date, an appeal must be submitted in order for the SAP review to be recalculated.  Upon recalculation, if the student is then found to be in good standing as a result of that grade change/update, the student will be eligible for aid to be reinstated so long as it is done prior to the appeal deadline outlined in their notification from SFS.

Notification of Satisfactory Academic Progress Deficiency

Undergraduate students who are not meeting quantitative (completion ratio) OR qualitative (GPA) satisfactory academic progress are notified by Student Financial Services via email to their assigned SEU student email at the end of the spring semester. Loss of financial aid eligibility is effective immediately.

When a student receives notification of loss of financial aid eligibility at the end of the spring semester and is enrolled in a summer term, he or she will lose financial aid eligibility for summer term courses unless a financial aid appeal has been submitted and approved.


Right to Financial Aid Appeal

A student who has not met SAP (satisfactory academic progress) requirements may appeal the loss of financial aid eligibility if the student has suffered undue hardship such as:

  • Severe illness, medical condition or injury

  • Death of a family member

  • Traumatic life-altering event such as fire, hurricane, etc.

  • Other circumstances deemed acceptable by Southeastern University

A student who wishes to appeal satisfactory academic progress status due to extenuating circumstances must submit their request to the Student Financial Services office for review. All appeals must have supporting documentation attached at the time they are submitted. Acceptable documentation is outlined on the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal for Continued Aid form. To submit an appeal, students must:

  • Complete and submit a signed Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal for Continued Aid form, including supporting documentation (including dates) as outlined on the form. The form is designed to address the following:

1.      what the problem was;

2.      when the problem occurred;

3.      how long the problem lasted;

4.      how this affected ability to complete coursework, and

5.      what the student is doing to prevent this from happening again.

Appeals and all documentation must be received by the end of the add/drop period in which the student is appealing for aid eligibility. It is to the student’s benefit to submit the appeal immediately upon receiving notification of ineligibility.

Appeals are subject to committee review and are not automatically approved.

Approved Appeals

Should an appeal request be approved, the student will be placed on financial aid probation and may receive financial aid on a probationary status for one semester as described in the academic progress agreement provided with the appeal response. Any appeal conditions will be outlined in the academic progress agreement and may include an ongoing academic plan and timeframe for which a student must meet certain requirements in order to continue to receive financial aid. If a student fails to meet the terms of the agreement or maintain satisfactory academic progress during the period of financial aid probation as assigned, the student will be notified by Student Financial Services of his or her loss of financial aid eligibility, and the loss cannot be appealed again without there being new and extenuating circumstances for consideration.

Annual limits and requirements for awards still impact a student’s ability to receive funding and an approved appeal does not automatically enable a student to receive aid in a probationary semester if all funding has already been exhausted for that academic year.

A student is limited to two (2) appeals for his/her degree program. For example, if a student exhausts his/her two appeals as an undergraduate student, he/she still has two appeals as a graduate student.

Denied Appeals

If the appeal is denied, any already awarded federal student aid funds for any upcoming or current semesters or terms will be removed making the student financially responsible and liable for tuition and fees for the term if enrolled. Due to the timing of summer courses and the completion of the SAP review there may be instances where aid was awarded and disbursed for summer prior to being aware of the failure to meet SAP requirements.  If this occurs, funding will need to be returned without an approved appeal and the student will be liable for all fees.

 (NOTE: State programs have separate Academic Progress Requirements.)